The best Hawaiian Islands and Los Angeles dream trip
Whatever time of year you decide to go then take my word for it that Hawaii is just one of the most startlingly beautiful places you will ever go to; the people are friendly, the weather is just perfect and the islands are like nothing else you will experience.

An Experts Guide To Kenya
If you've ever wanted to visit Kenya and the magnificent Masai Mara, our expert, Nick, explains why you should prepare yourself for an emotional safari experience

California 'Uncovered' Part 2
Chris Vaughan recently flew over to LA to firm up his knowledge of the beach scene around the glamorous City...

Ultimate bucket list Part 5
Explore your wild side with an animal encounter Planet Earth might just be the greatest zoological experiment in the known...

Ultimate Bucket List Part 3
Conceived in antiquity, shrouded by the mists of time, such ancient monuments appeal to the explorer in us all. They...

The wonders of Costa Rica - Part two
The people of Costa Rica have an admirable focus on preserving their beautiful country, and as such the much-needed tourism industry has had to build itself around Mother Nature.

The spookiest places in America
Happy Halloween from Hayes and Jarvis! The eeriest day of the year has arrived, so it’s time to carve those...

Top 5 winter sun destinations
You’re not a coat and scarf kind-a person. You do not like to wrap up warm and get cosy by...

6 top destinations for celebrating the 4th of July
What is July 4th all about? If anyone asked me before living in the USA, I would have just said...

5 reasons to stay at a Sandals Resort
Last month, I was lucky enough to be invited to experience Sandal’s newest resort — La Source in Grenada —...

Father’s Day traditions from around the world
As it’s approaching Father’s Day, we thought we’d put together ten very different traditions from around the world to show...