b'Guests explore ItilleqOUR EXPERTFlorian KellerChief Product & Sustainability Officerhayesandjarvis.co.uk/sustainable-travelMAPS: VEMAPS.COM, PHOTOS: SAM EDMONDS (ITILLEQ), PETER LINDSTROM (COOKING), ACACIA JOHNSON (ITTOQQORTOORMIIT,LADY IN WHITE [FACING PAGE]), NICKY SOUNESS (FOUR WOMEN [FACING PAGE])ALL QUARK EXPEDITIONS Food at Greenland Guests interactingCamp Experiencewith local people in IttoqqortoormiitINTERACT WITH INUIT COMMUNITIES IN THE ARCTIC Location:Greenland The Experience:On a Quark Expeditions Polar Adventure to Greenland, guests get to interact with local communities and directly witness the unique Arctic culture shaped over thousands of years. Learn about their rich oral traditions and the remarkable lifestyles that revolve around hunting and fishing. Meet the Inuit community of Ittoqqortoormiit at the mouth of one of the worlds largest fjords. Engage in open-hearted conversations with local people, browse local art, watch sled dogs being fed, sample musk ox meat, and immerse yourself in unscripted moments of cultural exchange. In the tiny west Greenland village of Itilleq you can play a friendly game of soccer with locals. This village and fishing community is situated on a small island two kilometres above the Arctic Circle. Admire their traditional, colourful wooden houses, chat with locals and experience this remote towns friendly vibe. In Uumannaq, on the eastern shore of Disko Bay, learn about Inuit fishing culture and visit families for kaffemik (a coffee meetup). These exchanges will surely become the most cherished moments of your Arctic expedition.Sustainability:Embark on a journey like this to foster authentic interactions with small Arctic communities. Learn about Inuit culture, see the remarkable ways in which they have survived a harsh environment over millennia, and how we are all connected. TRUE VOYAGES \x1a19'