b'Asian elephants at Minneriya National Park, Sri LankaASIAN ELEPHANTS, SRI LANKA For more details scan theSOUTHERN ELEPHANT SEALS, The Gathering is an annual elephant migrationQR code or click the link: ARGENTINAthat takes place at Minneriya National Park inBetween August and October each year, about north-central Sri Lanka. During the dry season20,000 southern elephant seals migrate from the (June to September), about 200-300 wild Asiansub-Antarctic to the Valdez Peninsula in southern elephants from the forests around the MahaweliArgentina. Here, they mate, give birth, and molt River come to the plains around Minneriya,their fur. Hundreds of groups, of mostly females where the central reservoir has water. Opt for anhayesandjarvis.co.uk/ with some dominant males, dot the Peninsulas afternoon safari to observe these majestic animalsminneriya-tour 124-mile coastline. Pregnant females (weighing in their natural habitat. You may see herds of theseup to 2,000 lbs) give birth soon after arrival. Get a stately pachyderms grazing on young shoots,guided tour to see these enormous marine animals playing, or cooling off in the water or in mud pools,in September, the peak reproductive season, when while babies chase each other or snuggle up tofights, roars and confrontations between males their mothers. are at their highest. Great spot: Minneriya National Park Great spot: Punta Delgada and Caleta Valds, Best time: August-September hayesandjarvis.co.uk/ Peninslua Valdezargentina-tour Best time: September Southern elephant seals, Puerto Piramides coast, ArgentinaTRUE VOYAGES \x1a41'