b'4Peru34. WESTERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA \x1a INDONESIA/INDIA/ EAST AFRICABOBOTIE South AfricaCape Malay cuisine is found in theBrazilWestern Cape province of South Africa. Travellers trying to access Cape Malay cuisine usually head to the colourful Bo Kaap neighbourhood of Cape Town.5. BRAZIL \x1a WEST AFRICAThe term Cape Malay has a long andMOQUECAcomplicated history. In a nutshell, itFrom the 16th century onwards, refers to the descendants of slaves andenslaved Africans were brought from prisoners the Dutch brought here fromWest Africa to Brazil to work on the their colonies in South Asia, Southeastsugarcane plantations. Their inventive Asia, and East Africa in the late 1600s.culinary traditions slowly mingled with The cuisine fuses culinary traditions,local food culture, and especially in especially from the Muslim populationsthe northeastern state of Bahia, the of places like Indonesia (which in turnAfrican influence on food is distinctive. had Indian and Arabic influences) andThe regions most iconic offering is Madagascar, and these have been greatlymoqueca, a fish/shrimp stew cooked5adapted and modified over the centuries.with red dend (palm oil), onions, garlic, Some popular dishes are bredie (stew),tomatoes, cilantro, and coconut milk breyani (biryani), sosaties (kebabs), and(other regional versions are without the most famous bobotie. While there iscoconut). This flavourful dish served much debate about the origins of bobotie,with rice is a testament to the fusion and many variations in recipes, one fact isof culinary traditions that define the not in doubtit is an absolutely deliciousdiversity of Brazilian cuisine. Other Afro-casserole of a base layer of spicedBrazilian dishes from Bahia like acaraje, ground meat (like beef chilli) baked with acaruru, xinxim, and vatapa have their layer of savoury egg custard. counterparts in West African recipes. South Africa food tour: Sample Bahian cuisine in Brazil:hayesandjarvis.co.uk/south-africa-tourhayesandjarvis.co.uk/brazil-tourTRUE VOYAGES \x1a35'