b'connectionsHumpback whale and calf, Australia HUMPBACK WHALES, AUSTRALIA For more details scan theTURTLES, COSTA RICAEvery year, humpback whales leave the frigid, krill- QR code or click the link: Different species of sea turtles come to nest at rich waters of the Southern Ocean (Antarctic) andbeaches all over Costa Rica. Tortuguero National migrate 6,000 miles northward to the warm watersParks black-sand beaches are an important on Australias eastern coast. Here, they mate,nesting site for the endangered green sea turtle. calve, and nurture newborns. During this breedingThe Osa Peninsula is another turtle hotspot. The season, parts of the coastline bustle with acrobaticsynchronised mass nesting or arribada of Olive displays of breaches, tail and dorsal fin slaps,hayesandjarvis.co.uk/ Ridley turtles occurs in Ostional, Guanacaste. and head lunges. Males court females, pregnantqueensland-tour Annually, thousands of sea turtles gather offshore females give birth, and mothers and calves frolic.and return together to the beach where they were From September, they begin their southwardborn, to lay their eggs. On dusk and night tours, return migration. The best way to see thesewatch 400-pound female turtles digging massive extraordinary mammals is on a whale-watchingholes and laying 65-100 eggs. Alternatively, see boat excursion; you may also spot them from cliffshatchlings scurrying to the ocean, or participate in on the Queensland or New South Wales coasts.turtle conservation programmes under experts.Great spot: Hervey Bay, Queensland hayesandjarvis.co.uk/ Great spot: Tortuguero National Park & Ostional Best time: May to November tortuguero-tour Wildlife RefugeBest time: peak nesting August-SeptemberSIDE CREDITOlive Ridley mass nesting eventNewborn turtle, Ostional (arribada), Costa Rica Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica38 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'