b'connectionsPARTNER SPOTLIGHTCHILEOff-Peak Adventures at PATAGONIA CAMPWilderness and luxury on the shores of Lake Toro at the edge of Torres Del Paine National Park.YURTSPatagonia Camp offerscrowded. Visit Patagonia Camp in springsmall local businesses. The camp has luxurious Mongolian-style tents or yurts(Sep to Nov) or autumn (Mar to May) foran organic water treatment plant, with private decks facing the scenic lakea truly private and exclusive experience.biodegradable amenities, composted and towering granite massifs. LuxuriousPatagonia winds are less severe in theseorganic waste, recycled materials, and handcrafted furnishings and local woodquieter seasons, the weather is still mild,optimised energy resources. furniture adorn the cosy, centrally and its easier to spot wildlife. In autumn, heated interiors. revel in the vibrant reds and yellows ofExplore the beauty of Patagonia:fall foliage; in springtime, the verdanthayesandjarvis.co.uk/patagonia-campSCENIC LOCALEPatagonia Campland and blooming flowers add to the is situated on a 34,000-hectare privatebeauty of the landscape.estate. Wake up to spectacular sunrises over the glacial lake and go to bedSUSTAINABILITYPatagoniawatching the starry skies through theCamp is rooted in sustainable principles. yurts central dome. It was built using eco-friendly methods, the staff are local, and the dcor EXPLOREA comfortable base tois sourced from local artisans and explore the pristine surrounding wilderness and Torres Del Paine National Park nearby. The camps highly experienced guides take guests on a range of wonderful excursions. You can also kayak and stand-up paddle on the lake or hike on picturesque trails.SECRET SHOULDER SEASON While summer (Nov to Feb) is the mostAutumn Autumnpopular time to visit, it is also the most PHOTOS: PATAGONIA CAMPSpring48 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'