b'soul-stirring journeysExperience Seychelles www.seychelles.travelour home, your SanctuarySince that distant time when Seychelles 115 granite and coral islands became scatteredoverasecludedcorneroftheIndianOcean,theyhaveremained sanctuaries for some of the rarest species of flora and fauna on earth. So rare, that the Valle de Mai which nurtures the legendary coco-de-mer, was once thought to Photo Credit: Torsten Dickmannbe the original site of the biblical Garden of Eden. The islandsare alsosynonymous with stunning natural beauty, the wonderful harmony enjoyed by the multi-ethnic society and a near perfect climate where the temperature is always somewhere between 24 and 33 degrees Celsius, earning the islands a reputation as land of perpetual summer.Seychelles remains one of the purest, most environmentally intact destinations on earth offering a great diversity of experiences and accepting only around 340,000 visitors a year.Certainly, one of Seychelles greatest assets is the exotic assortment of its multitude of islands and the variety they offer to visitors.With enhanced air access to Europe, Africa and Asia, Seychelles is effectively just one stop from anywhere on the planet and accessible as never before.Seychelles has so much to offer and more but perhaps its most enduring attraction is the security it offers and its enviable pace of life amid the tranquillity and multi-racial harmony of the islands. Lose yourself in the delicious, natural intimacy of Seychelles island life in our ever-wideningchoiceofaccommodationoptionstosuiteverybudget.With attractions and activities to match, you will enjoy the time of your life and take home the memories of a lifetime.SIDE CREDIT SIDE CREDITSeychelles Tourist OfficeGround Floor / 132 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SAseychelles@uksto.co.uk | www.seychelles.travel8 \x1a BE ENCHANTED ENCHANTING TRAVELS \x1a 9'