b'TRUE VOYAGES 2021 SOUL-STIRRING JOURNEYS 06 TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH US Tailor-made tours to over 70 countries across CONTENTS 08 seven continents 42THE INSPIRATIONSoul-stirring destinations that tug at your heartstrings, and spur you to plan a holiday16 JAPAN: A SPIRITUAL JOURNEYPore over some of these sublime traditions to find equilibrium and tranquility18 NEAR AND FAR: DESTINATIONS TOBOOK RIGHT NOW 52Dazzling landscapes, gastro havens,heritage citiesexciting new places weve recently added to our treasury27 MINIMISING CARBON EMISSIONSReduce your carbon footprint on a Hayes & Jarvis holiday28 FLAVOURS FOR THE SOUL IN MEXICODiscover the country through itsculinary heritage and dizzying array ofTsechu festival, Bhutanregional ingredients 41 42 HIMALAYAS: ABODE OF SNOWAND TIBETAN BUDDHISMFor inner peace and a transformative and soul-cleansing holiday, head to themountainsSea lions, Galapagos IslandsSnorkelling in the Maldives 44 CROWN JEWELS: 8 UNESCO SITESTO GET ON A PLANE FORFrom around the world, cultural and naturaltreasures that will leave you spellbound50 INSPIRING WALKSOn a guided walking tour, satisfy your tastebuds and hunger for history, or bondwith nature52 ADVANTAGE SAFARISafaris are among the most photogenicand uplifting trips youll ever make intothe wildHalong Bay, Vietnam 56 OCEANIA CALLINGWhen you crave unspoiled landscapes, 31 COSTA RICA journey to the South Seas. To Australia, New Perfect accommodations, walking tours,Zealand, Fiji, French Polynesia, Samoa and and thrilling ways to enjoy naturethe Cook Islands34 IN THE NAME OF LOVE40 When its a trip for two, these beloved 34destinations will make your spirits soarSouthern white rhinos, South Africa 36 BREAKING BREAD IMPRINTNo matter what its name or shape,PHOTO: REDCHARLIE ON UNSPLASHPHOTO: LATIN TRAILS (SEA LION)wherever you travel, fresh bread brings TRAVELOGUES satisfaction and comfort A PUBLICATION OF HAYES & JARVIS38 PERU: MUSEUMS WITH SOUL 020 8106 240324 54 Experts guide you through Perus historical,contact-hj@hayesandjarvis.co.ukarchaeological, and cultural treasuresEditor: Niloufer VenkatramanMY BEST EVER INDIAN ADVENTURE MEXICO: WE TRAVEL TO SHOW YOU THE BEST 40 OLD FAVOURITES Design: Diviya Mehra (www.instagram.com/whitematterdesign)Its often the spontaneous moments that allow you toColonial towns, Mayan ruins, pristine beachesitsSome destinations never get old and areCover: Bay of Fires, Tasmania, Australia (Photo courtesy Australia Tourism)truly connect with the land and its people easy to be awestruck by this vibrant country frequently found on travel bucket lists All images in the magazine from Shutterstock unless explicitly stated on individual pages.4 \x1a HAYES JARVIS TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 5'