b'soul-stirring journeys INSPIR ATION Soul-stirring destina-The tions that tug at your heartstrings, and spur you to plan your next holidayThe An aqua blue Atlantic Ocean on three sides, a grand massif as the backdrop, golden beaches Mother City along the coastCape Town has one of the worlds most dramatic and magnificent locations Cape Town, Southof any city in the world. There are so many ways of experiencing this outdoorsy city: a cable Africa car ride up iconic Table Mountain, a walk up Lions Head, a picnic in Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. Add to that, scenic drives to Cape Point or Chapmans Peak for breathtaking vistas of the area. Discover the many charms of this cosmopolitan city through its live music SIDE CREDIT SIDE CREDITvenues, museums, galleries, outstanding restaurants, and markets. As Africas oldest city Cape Town is often called the Mother City. It is also South Africas prettiest city, a true gem that encompasses the sophisticated and hip, the historic and modern.8 \x1a HAYES JARVIS TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 9'