b'soul stirrring jouring journeyneysssoul-stir 6. HISTORIC VILLAGES OF SHIRAKA- 7. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL, 8. ANGKOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL-WA-GO AND GOKAYAMA, GIFU &COLOGNE, GERMANY PARK, SIEM REAP, CAMBODIATOYAMA PREFECTURES, JAPAN Cologne Cathedrals towers dominateAs dawn spills over sprawling Angkor Wat, Tucked away in the remote Shogawa riverthe citys skyline and offer you one of thethe sky, the temple complex, the lake in valley of Japans Chubu region, are threebest views of the city. Built in Gothic andfront, all form a marvellous synergy ofpicturesque mountain villagesOgimachi,neo-Gothic styles, its detailed exterior radiating colours. Explore this most Ainokura, and Suganuma. Different fromcraftsmanship, which includes sharply significant temple of the archaeological site any others in the country, the clusters ofpointed spires and flying buttresses, isof Angkor, deep in the forests of Cambodias houses have steep, slanted roofs, built in thematched by exquisite interiors.Siem Reap province, at a leisurely pace. Gassho-zukuri style. Gassho-zukuri meansCologne Cathedral survived 14 aerialExquisite bas-relief sculptures depicting prayer hands, and the thatched roofs, madebombings during World War II, even as thevarious scenes, from royal processions to the without nails, are said to represent handsrest of the city stood in ruins. Since then, itchurning of the cosmic sea, cover the outer coming together in worship. This distinc- has been beautifully restored, and you cangallery. Its five towers represent the peaks tive 19th-century architectural style wasenjoy every detail. You will be left awe- of Mount Meru, mythological residence developed to combat heavy winter snowfall,struck by striking scenes from the Old andof Hindu gods. More than the physical and in the large attic spaces, mulberry leavesNew Testament portrayed in the colourfulstructure, however, its the soulful energy of were once stored, and silkworms reared. stained-glass windows. Other gems arethis place, with its monks and visiting local A number of these traditional homesmagnificent altarpieces, and a golden shrine.schoolchildren, that you will appreciate most.have now been converted into rustic The arresting shrine of the Three Kings isNature and spiritual harmony also come Japanese-style guesthouses called believed to hold relics of the Magi or Threetogether in the intriguing ruins of other minshukus. Spending a night with a Wise Men. Spend time at its other artistictemples. Wonderful Bayon with massive, local family allows you an immersive ex- treasures as well, like the oak and gildedbeatific smiling faces carved into its towers 4. 5. BOROBUDUR TEMPLE perience, with gracious hosts sharing theirGero Cross, which captures Christs sufferingand Ta Prohm, are mystical temples wrapped favourite dishes, personal stories, folklore,on the cross in intimate detail. in the spreading roots of fig, banyan, and and customs.kapok trees. Highlights of GermanyHighlights of Japan by JR Rail (13 Nights from 1,499 per person) Classic Cambodia(17 Nights from 4,599 per person) Cologne (2), Nuremberg (3), Munich (3), The(6 Nights from 1,099 per person)Tokyo (4), Hakone (2), Takayama (2), Shiraka- Black Forest (2), Heidelberg (2), Frankfurt (1) Phnom Penh (3), Siem Reap (3)4. HAMPI, KARNATAKA, INDIA wa-go (1), Kanazawa (2), Kyoto (3), Okayama COMPOUNDS, JAVA, INDONESIA (2), Hiroshima (1). Tokyo (0)Wandering the boulder-strewn landscapeBuilt atop a remote hill, Borobudur in Central6. 7.of Hampi is a surreal experience. Hundreds of monumentsforts, temples, pillars,Java is the worlds largest Buddhist monu-royal enclosuresdot the banks of thement, dating to the 8th and 9th centuries. Tungabhadra River in Karnataka. Most ofThis magnificent pyramidal structure the ruins are from the 14th-16th centuries,has nine platforms. Bas-relief sculptures, when Hampi was capital of the prosperousdepicting the Buddhas life, teachings, and Vijayanagar Empire. A lovely riverside walkthe everyday world in Java a millennia ago, leads you to the imposing Vitthala temple, acover the walls of the six lower platforms. living temple, with intricately carved pillars,Climbing Borobudur is considered a and an iconic stone chariot shrine. Expansivepilgrimage. The structure of the temple rep-Virupaksha temple is equally magnificent, itsresents the universe, according to Buddhist nine-tiered tower looks all the more majesticcosmology. Ascending each floor is said to in the early morning light. The half-man,mirror the quest for enlightenment. For a half-lion, 22-foot avatar of the god Vishnu,truly local experience you may choose to called the Grand Narasimha Monolith, is yetwalk with devotees along narrow corridors, another instance of the splendour of thisadmiring the narrative stone panels. Travel group of monuments. The pillared halls,from the lowest level, a plane bound by5.pavilions or mandapas, and lofty pyramidaldesire, to higher storeyswhich represents towers or gopurams are all stellar examplesthe moving from darkness to light. You SIDE CREDIT PHOTO: BENNO KLANDT ON UN- SPLASH (COLOGNE CATHEDRAL)of Dravidian or South Indian temple archi- dont have to be a pilgrim to be a part of the tecture that will leave any visitor amazed. spiritual journey here.Karnataka Explored: Heritage and Land-Highlights of Java and Baliscapes (13 Nights from3,499 per person) (12 Nights from 1,699 per person)Bangalore (1), Hampi (3), Chikmagalur (2), Yogyakarta (3), Borobudur (2), Ubud (3),Mysore (2), Nagarhole (2), Neeleshwar Nusa Dua (4)Kasaragod (3)46 \x1a HAYES JARVIS TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 47'