b'soul stirrring jouring journeyneyss slugsoul-stirPITA , UAEROOSTERBROOD,Soft, puffy pita bread isSOUTH AFRICA ubiquitous in the Middle EastBraais or barbecues are integral where it is often called khubz,to South Africa and visitors kuboos, or Arabic bread. Incan enjoy one at a restaurant. the UAE, its a staple servedRoosterbrood or roosterkoek in Middle Eastern cuisineis bread cooked on the braai, restaurants, and found inwhere it gets the typical pattern bakeries, supermarkets, andfrom the grill (or grid). This pop-anywhere food is sold. Eat itular choice, with perfect crustKARE PAN, JAPANwith a choice of meat kebabsand smoky flavour, is usuallyKare pan, literally curry bread, is a popular Japanese fast foodor falafels, or with traditionalan appetiser, served piping hotserved at shops and cafs all over Japans cities. The bread is filled dishes like hummus and babawith butter. with a variety of curried fillings and often cheese as well, and isghanoush. coated with panko crumbs and deep fried. The crisp outer covering NAAN, INDIAand mildly spiced insides make it a great snack to grab on the go Very much in demand in Indianduring your travels.restaurants, naan is a delicious flatbread that is rarely found in Indian homes as it requires a cylindrical clay oven or tandoorROTI-CANAI, MALAYSIA to make. Its part of North IndianThis multilayered flatbread of Breaking cuisine, though it is foundIndian origin is a Malaysianaround the country in manystaple thats enjoyed at any forms: seasoned with onion,meal. Day or night, you can find REWENA POTATO BREAD, BREAD garlic, or an assortment of herbsit at Kuala Lumpurs hawker or spices, or just smeared with astalls or eateries. Tear a piece of generous dollop of butter. this delectable flaky bread, crisp on the outside and soft inside, and scoop up a curry or dal with NEW ZEALAND No matter what its name, shape,MANDAZI, EAST AFRICAit. Even on its own, fresh roti Rewena (or rewena paraoa) isor flavour, wherever you travel,TANTA WAWA, PERU Mandazi (or mahamri or mamri)canai, served hot, always hits a traditional Maori sourdoughfresh bread brings satisfactionTanta wawa or bread babiesis the East African donut. Thisthe spot.bread fermented with a potatoare celebratory Peruvian sweetlightly sweetened fried bread starter. Sold in bakeries aroundand comfort breads shaped like a babyis made with coconut milk and New Zealand, this bread has awrapped in a blanket, or anmildly spiced with cardamom. firm texture and is consideredanimal. They are flavoured withMade in homes all over Kenya, perfect for eating with theraisins, anise, and cinnamon,Uganda, and Tanzania, its a traditional Maori hangi (pitand decorated with sprinkles.favoured street food, best eaten oven) dinner, with stews andTraditionally made only oncefresh with a cuppa or a meal. casseroles, or just with butterAREPA, COLOMBIAa year during All Saints Day or and jam. Though every region of Colombia has its own localthe Day of the Dead, they may version of arepas, they are always made with corn ornow also be found during other maize meal. This flat, round bread is eaten at everyfestivities or carnivals.meal, and can be paired with all kinds of sweet orsavory toppings and fillings. Arepas de queso or arepas with cheese are definitely a favourite among travellers and local residents alike. NUMTRAK BALEP, TIBETTibetan fried bread or numtrak balep is a circular, puffy fried bread thats usually served on special occasions or ceremonies in Tibet and Nepal. This delicious bread is made with wheat flour and is best SIDE CREDIT SIDE CREDITconsumed fresh. Travellers will often be served hot numtrak balep with jam or eggs and a cup of tea at breakfast, but its also eaten at lunchtime. 36 FTRUE VOYAGES \x1a 37 \x1a BHEA EYNESC HA JNARTEVDIS'