b'soul-stirring journeysCHILES EN NOGADACHILAQUILESTypically made to celebrate Independence Traditional Mexican breakfast fare, chilaquiles is a heart-warming dishDay, chiles en nogada is a festive dish in the of crisp tortilla chips covered in a red or green salsa, an colours of the Mexican flag. It consists of a integral part of Mexican cuisine. The dish is then crowned withroasted and peeled poblano chile pep-cheese, meat, eggs, vegetables, or any combination of an infiniteper stuffed with minced meat and dried variety of toppings. In parts of Mexico they even say its the perfectfruit. Some insist the authentic stuffing food to get over a hangover. ingredients should be meat and biznaga, a candied cactus. The stuffed pepper is then topped with a creamy white walnut sauce FLAVOURS FOR THE SOUL and pomegranate arils. TAMALEOne of Mexicos oldest dishes is HUACHINANGO A LAthe tamale, a labour-intensiveVERACRUZANA meal when prepared theOut of 5 companies we tried H&J was easilyWith Spanish and pre-coloni- traditional way. Cornmeal the best, offering great advice and serviceal influences this dish comesdough or masa is filled with TACOS AL PASTOR without being too pushy. They have beenfrom Veracruz on the Gulf ofmeat, beans, cheese, and salsa Tacos el pastor reflects theace at getting back to us rapidly and haveMexico, but is served through- and then wrapped and steamed influence of Lebanese food onbeen so warm and friendly which has reallyout Mexico. It consists of redin corn husks or banana leaves. Mexican cuisine. This dish orig- helped with our holiday booking. snapper baked with tomatoes,Innumerable regional variations inated in the city of Puebla, butWould highly recommend them after ourherbs, green olives, capers, chileexist including sweet versions, is even more popular in Mexicorecent experience! peppers, and lime. The mellow,tamales stuffed with fish, or City, and every region has itsspicy sauce and fish go well withothers roasted on an open fire. own way of making it. SI Wiles, UK steamed rice. During year-end festivities, By and large though, marinatedtamales are a must.pork is grilled on a spit, thinly sliced, and served on tacos with onions, cilantro, salsa, andsurprisingly, pineapple chunks.TLAYUDAAt markets, food stalls, and POZOLE restaurants in Oaxaca, tlayuda A hearty soup, pozole or posole, is a slow-cooked coarsely groundor Mexican pizza, is everywhere. corn broth combined with pork or chicken and chiles, and toppedLarge, thin corn tortillas are with assorted condiments. It is most well known in Jalisco and grilled, and a refried bean puree Guerrero states, though served all over Mexico. In the beach town ENCHILADAS AND Mexico slathered on. Shredded lettuce, of Acapulco, pozole is a Thursday afternoon specialty. cabbage, onions, etc. are layered on along with stringy quesillo cheese, sliced meat, and cilant-ro. Eaten anytime at all, its also a coveted midnight snack picked on-the-go from street vendors. ENMOLADAS Enchiladas are tortillas rolled with meat, and topped with aINsauce and grated cheese. The dish is rarely baked like it is inA food-focused holiday lets you explore a countrys inner North America, and there is noworkings, its cultural soul. Discover Mexico, through itsuniform recipe across Mexico. culinary heritage and dizzying array of regional ingredients A similar dish is enmoladas, which are enchiladas covered inand flavours. Heres a small sample of some Mexicanclassic mole sauce.favourites, though every dish has endless regional variations28 \x1a HAYES JARVIS TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 29'