b'soul-stirring journeys TALK TO OUR EXPERT MinimisingJasdeep Bhela CARBON EMISSIONSjasdeep.bhela@ Reducing your carbon footprint on a Hayes & Jarvis holidayhayesandjarvis.co.uk0208 106 1963As a responsible travel company, we wantsustainable energy and supportingto contribute positively to the communitiesBush breakfast with locallocal communities and conservationwe engage with and the world at large. As aMaasai staff at Encounterprojects, many of our partner Mara, Kenyastep towards achieving greater sustainability,accommodations have received awards for we aim to minimise CO2 emissions fromtheir responsible practices.any trip you take with us while parallelly investing in carbon mitigation measures. Investing in carbon mitigatingmeasuresMinimise CO2 emissions from In addition to minimising the CO2 emissions your trip from your trip, we calculate the average We aim to minimise the carbon dioxideamount of carbon emissions generated by emissions of your trip through carefullyour guests trips and donate a proportionate balancing your comfort with theamount to a climate protection project to environmental implications. You have theabsorb these emissions. The calculation takes opportunity of choosing climate-conscious,into account domestic and international responsible, and sustainable options whenflights, accommodation, transport at your you travel with us. destination, local activities, We are happy to suggest sustainableand excursions.transportation such as trains, which areFor this purpose, Hayes & Jarvis has not only environment-friendly but also apartnered with South Pole which has romantic and relaxing way to discover asuccessfully mitigated over 170 million region. Furthermore, we avoid flights wheretons of CO2 since 2006. We support the ground transportation offers a pleasantIsangi REDD+ project to protect 187,571 alternative. In your trip proposal, allhectares of forested land in the DemocraticWe offer sustainable activities such asRepublic of Congo. The project protects our Blooming mustard field, Rajasthan Farmer, Rajasthan walking tours, and take you beyond theour responsible tourismenvironment by creating programs to avoid tourist trails both for authentic experiencesaccommodations and activitiesdeforestation and promote afforestation. and to avoid over-tourism. are highlighted with the HayesIt also aids biodiversity conservation and Krishan spoke their dialect, so we learnt quite a lot Jewels of North Indiadoughnuts soaked in sugar syrup. The jalebi man was We proactively support sustainable sustainable agricultural practices onabout the camel trade. With the increased sales ofand Kerala a gentle soul, lit by a single lightbulb above his head.hotels. From waste disposal to using & Jarvis sustainability stamp existing farmland. PHOTOS: AWASI PATAGONIA - RELAIS & CHATEAUX (HOTEL), ENCOUNTER MARA, ASILIA AFRICA (PEOPLE)tractors in the region, the price of camels had halved.He sat cross-legged, level with two boiling vatsone Although it was camel lakhana, or the matingfull of oil and the other with sugar syrup. His portrait season, the herders wondered if they could affordis undeniably my favorite. to continue to breed camels given the low returns.In the pre-dawn light Krishan and I wound our They asked us to join them beside the fire to enjoyway up through the streets of the old town, to the some chai made with camel milk. If taste buds havebase of Mehrangarh Fort, which dominates the city memories, mine would savour the memory of thatfrom its promontory. As day broke over the Blue City, sweet and delicious camel milk tea.19 Nights from 4,499 perthe greens and blues looked almost phosphorescent. After a three-day stay in Jaisalmer, Krishanperson As the sun rose higher, Krishan and I made our and I returned to Jodhpur. The next day was to beDelhi (3), Varanasi (2), Agraway down into the city. We stopped for chai before unplanned. Before he dropped me off at my hotel,(2), Ranthambore (2), Jaipurreturning to my hotel. This unplanned day, is one of (2), Deogarh (1), Udaipur (2), Krishan asked me if I would like to get up at dawn toCochin (2), Mararikulam (3) the most memorable of the trip. take some clicks from the foot of Mehrangarh Fort.Ive spoken to many fellow travellers in India, both The next morning, Krishan collected me at 5.45before and since my trip, but no one has stories that am. However, instead of taking the van, we walkedcompare. The freedom my bespoke itinerary allowed through the deserted Sadar Market and Sharif Chowk.me, to roam where I chose at my own pace, made The normally bustling laneways were empty, save forHeritage Safari all the difference. With Krishan behind the wheel, street cleaners finishing their nights work and templewe seized spontaneous moments and turned them workers beginning theirs. The sole food stall open forinto travel experiences. Its what made my IndianEco-conscious lodge, Awasi business sold jalebissmall, intricately twisted IndianBeaches adventure the Best Ever.Patagonia, in Chile26 \x1a HAYES JARVIS TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 27'