b'soul stirrring jouring journeyneysssoul-stir1. CITY OF QUITO, PICHINCHA,2. IGUAZU NATIONAL PARK, 3. BWINDI IMPENETRABLECROWN JEWELS ECUADOR BRAZIL & ARGENTINA NATIONAL PARK, KANUNGU, 8 UNESCO SITES Ecuadors capital city Quito lies high up inCradled within the lush forests of IguazuUGANDAthe Andes Mountains. Its beating heart isNational Park is a dramatic sighta horse- There are about 1,000 mountain gorillas the Old Towna magnificent collectionshoe-shaped chain of waterfalls, straddlingleft in the wild today. Just under half this of baroque churches, museums, tranquilthe border of Brazil and Argentina. Over 270population lives in the rich tropical jungles monasteries, castles, and bustling publiccascades hurtle down granite rock, throwingof Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in To get on a plane for squaresalso a UNESCO World Heritageup unending clouds of spray. The mist andsouth-western Uganda, an area of incredible site. Previously an Inca city, its easy to seethroaty rumble created by the falls are yourplant and animal biodiversity. why the location was chosen: its magnifi- constant companions, whether you viewTrekking into this rainforest to meet cent architecture is set against a backdropthe falls from a helicopter, boat, walkway, orthese endangered primates is not easy. of tall peaks and misty mountains. Spendhiking trail. And upon reaching your destination, its a a few hours walking along the cobble- Thanks to the tremendous and constantlong, silent wait, until suddenly, the dense stone streets, absorbing the allure of thespray, the park has a unique ecosystem.foliage parts and a 140-kilo gorilla makes an religious carvings, sculptures, and artwork,Thriving in this rich environment are someappearance.all reminiscent of the citys colonial past.2,000 species of plants, plus numerousOnce you encounter a silverback family The glittering gilded baroque church of laanimals and tropical birds. You may see caand watch its members groom and play, all Compaa de Jesus will leave you floored, asmonkeys and coaties, birds like martlets,feelings of fatigue evaporate. No otherwill the enormous neo-Gothic Basilica of themagpies, and hummingbirds, as well aswildlife exposure in Africa matches a face-to-National Vow. Handsome buildings aside,many different butterflies during your face meeting with a wild mountain gorilla. Quitos charm also extends to narrow alleysnaturalist-led walks into the park. This is a truly profound experience, in a like Calle de la Ronda, lined with white- remarkable habitat that supports numerous washed colonial houses with wrought-iron Glaciers, Wildlife and Waterfalls in Argentinaglobally threatened species.balconies filled with flowers fluttering in (12 Nights from 6,799 per person)the breeze. Buenos Aires (3), El Calafate (3), Puerto Iguaz Grand Tour of Uganda(2), Esteros del Iber (3), Buenos aires (1) (16 nights from7,199 per person) Ecuador: Galapagos, Traditions and ChocolateKampala (1), Jinja & Nile (2), Murchison Falls (3), (13 Nights from 6,999 per person) Lake Albert (1), Kibale (2), Queen Elizabeth (3), Quito (2), Galpagos (7), Otavalo (3), Papallacta (1) Bwindi (2), Lake Mburo (2), Entebbe (0)1. 2.8.3.PSHIODTEO C: RISETDOITCK.COM/SWISSMEDIAVISIONSIDE CREDITAround the world, over a thousand places of outstanding universal valuehave been designated UNESCO World Heritage sites. Each of the eight culturalor natural treasures listed here will leave you spellbound44 \x1a HAYES JARVIS TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 45'