b'PARTNER SPOTLIGHT MUSEUMS WITH Soul LIMA MUSEUM OF ART - -Perus fantastic museums exhibit the priceless historical, archaeological, and cultural treasuresof the country. With experts and connoisseurs, who are the soul of these great collections,guiding visitors through, the experience of visiting these spaces becomes even more enlightening. Different museums around the country showcase a different facet of Peruvian culture, brought MALI LIMAto life by an incredibly talented set of curators and individuals who share their love for the ARCHITECTURE,ART AND COMMUNITYhistory of Peru and work to protect it Situated in the historic centre of www.hayesandjarvis.co.uk/holidays/peru Lima, this museum is one of the most beautiful examples of 19thcentury Lima architecture. It has CASA CONCHA MUSEUM CUSCO MARIO TESTINO MUSEUM - MATEtextile art. It is a cutting-edgethe largest collection of artworks Pedro de OsmaBINGHAM, THE YALE LIMA exhibition space and worksin Peru, including over 17,000 Museum, Lima MACHU PICCHUCONTEMPORARYto conserve Pre-Columbianexamples of Peruvian pottery, COLLECTION PHOTOGRAPHY: MARIOmasterworks in the fields oftextiles, jewellery, paintings, and This museum houses theTESTINO textiles, fashion, and design.drawings. artefacts removed by HiramThis museum explores theLARCO MUSEUM LIMABingham in 1912, duringwork of Peruvian, Mario Testino,TREASURES FROMPLACE OF MEMORY - LUM LIMA ROYAL TOMBS MUSEUM excavation work at MachuANCIENT PERU PLACE OF MEMORY,CHICLAYOPicchu. They were returned toExplore over 5,000 years ofTOLERANCE AND SOCIALMOCHICA WORLDVIEW: Peru in 2011 following manyancient Peruvian historyINCLUSION THE LORD OF SIPNyears of negotiations. Thethrough an impressiveThis is a national remembranceIn the city of Lambayeque, in permanent exhibition containscollection of Pre-Columbian,of the violent events whichnorthern Peru, the Royal Tombs around 350 Inca objects ofone of the worlds most well- classical, and modern art at thisoccurred in Peru from theMuseum is the final resting place unmatched aesthetic andknown fashion and portraitmuseum housed in an 18th- 1980s to 2000, under theof the Lord of Sipn, a powerful artistic quality.photographers. Situatedcentury viceroyalty mansionterror unleashed by thegovernor who ruled these lands in a restored 19th-centuryamid beautiful gardens.Shining Path. It contains along before the Incas. It is home mansion, the permanentpermanent exhibition, historicalto more than two thousand gold collection features TestinosPEDRO DE OSMA MUSEUM archive, and hosts temporaryobjects, jewellery, pottery and landscapes, editorial photos,LIMA exhibitions.funerary offerings. and expressions of social andVICEROYALTY HERITAGEcultural experiences.Housed in a beautiful early 20th-century mansion, in theMario Testino CAO MUSEUM & HUACA CAObohemian district of Barranco,Museum, LimaVIEJO TRUJILLO the Pedro de Osma Museum TREASURES OF THEcontains the most important LADY OF CAO AND THEprivate collection of viceroyalty MAGIC OF THE EL BRUJOart in Peru. Paintings, sculpture, Curators of the museumsCOMPLEX and viceroyalty and ancient Within this institution are theAndean artworks are displayed mortal remains and funeraryin more than ten thematically offerings of the first knownarranged rooms. female ruler of the Pre-Hispanic world. The Lady of Cao wasAMANO MUSEUM LIMAdiscovered by PeruvianPRE-COLUMBIAN TEXTILE PHOTOS: COLTUR PERUarchaeologist Rgulo FrancoARTin 2005, at Cao Viejo, one ofAmano Museum is the four sacred sites (huacas),acknowledged as one of the Amano Museum, Lima that form part of the El Brujomost important spaces for archaeological complex.the exhibition of Peruvian TRUE VOYAGES \x1a 39'