b'Izamal, MexicoIn Izamal, streets of cobblestone are bounded by eye-catching golden-yellow walls and arcades bordered in white. Slightly off the beaten track, and located halfway between the busy city of Merida and the ruins of chichen Itza, this is a magical town in the Yucatan. The story goes that the towns buildings were painted yellow in honour of Kinich Kakmo, a manifestation of the Mayan sun god. This is a very walkable town with architecture dating back to the 16th century. It was an important colonial capital, as is evident from grand structures like the convento de San Antonio de Padua, a Franciscan monastery in the centre of town. Also in the heart of the town is the Kinich Kakmo pyramid, an ancient Maya site that is still a place of pilgrimage, like the convent. Izamal is also called the city of Three cultures because of its unique amalgamation of the pre-Hispanic, colonial, and modern.TRUE VOYAgES \x1a 11'