b'rediscovering travelIsla Mujeres, MexicoISLA HOLBOX AND MUJERES, MExIcO Must-try:Swimming with whale sharks amid bioluminescent plankton in Holbox (summer)A dive tour at Cancun Underwater Museum with 500 submerged sculptures Sun worshippers have fantastic op-tions to choose from, such as pristine Isla Holbox and bustling Isla Mujeres. Mexicos best-kept secrets are located just off Yucatan on the caribbean coast. Both islands are famous for their jewel-toned waters and ivory white beaches, but they offer dramat-ically different experiences to visitors. Mujeres is popular for its hip bars and restaurants, Mayan art and culture, and fantastic diving opportunities. Holbox is a laid-back rustic village with oodles of boho charm, cuban and Mexican music, and an infectious festive vibe with occasional streetside salsa during the holidays. hayesandjarvis.co.uk/mexicoHOe TcOrSe:d EixtcELLEncE PLAYA MUJERES MExIcO (RESTAURAnT),Pid HUMPHREY MULEBA/UnSPLASH (MAYA BAY)Maya Bay, Ko Phi Phi, near Phukets54 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'