b'TALK TO OUR EXPERTAlice Normanalice.norman@hayesandjarvis.co.uk0208 106 2361NORTHERN CANADAnorthern canada is one of the least visited regions of the country and wonderful for off-the-beaten-track ventures. Some of canadas most beauteous panoramic routes run through Yukons mountainous landscapes. Kluane national Park has over 2,000 glaciers and Mount Logan, the countrys highest peak. In the northwest Territories, expect to be surrounded by forested river valleys and snow-covered icy landscapes, and do visit the great Slave Lake, one of north Americas deepest.NoRTH GREENLANDIn the east, a magical world of fjords, mountains, and glaciers opens up. Theres barely a human around, but you may see wild animals like musk oxen, reindeer and polar bears. In the west, Viking ruins, Inuit settlements, and the museums of the capital nuuk offer an insight into the culture and history of the country. Look forward to natural wonders like Prince christian Sound, Disko Bay, and the UnEScO-listed Ilulissat Icefjord. ARCTICThe Arctic is true pioneer country, much of it still unexplored. nature has created amazing wonders herefrom ice fields, fjords andHayes & Jarvis is a first-glaciers to volcanic islands, polar desertsclass service to arrange and wildflower-covered tundra. Some shipsa retirement trip of a offer you the option of climbing aboard a helicopter for a birds-eye view of Arcticlifetime! They were very landscapes, or you could explore them onunderstanding of our specific Zodiac boat rides and kayaking and hikingneeds and dreams along withALASKAtours. Look out for the iconic animals that ILLUSTRATIOn: ISTOcK.cOM/ARxIcHTU4KI (ALASKA)inhabit this inhospitable region. EncounterCovid guarantees. Breathtaking natural landscapes are the polar bears on Spitsbergen and watchCharles Jardine, UK highlight of a trip through Alaska. They narwhals, belugas and seals on Lancastervary from taiga forests and tundra plains Sound, dubbed the Serengeti of the Arcticin Denali national Park to glaciers in Prince for its biodiversity. William Sound and fjords and lakes in the Kenai Peninsula. Explore this dazzling wilderness on dog sleds or snowmobiles, ICELAND glacier hikes or sea kayak tours. Alaskas Icelands wondrous landscapes are dotted with lava fields, glaciers, geysers, and volcanoes.diverse wildlife will thrill you whether youre Marvel at natural treasures like the gullfoss waterfall, Jkulsrln glacier lagoon, and theon a guided excursion or boat trip. geothermal vents of Hverir. The more adventurous can take guided hikes through the ice caves of Vatnajkull or ride an Icelandic horse through the wilderness. Thermal baths such as the Blue Lagoon or the Myvatn nature Baths invite you to relax.hayesandjarvis.co.uk/arcticTRUE VOYAgES \x1a 45'