b'TEPPANYAKI dINING ExPERIENCES MATCHA TEATeppanyaki is the technique ofThe Japanese tea ceremony is a searing meat or fish on a hotritualistic way of preparing and plate. Its often used to prepareserving matcha tea. conducted and serve Japans legendaryin a minimalistic tea room Wagyu beef. Skilled chefs cooksurrounded by gardens, it helps on a grill at a table surroundedguests enjoy hospitality away by diners. The cookingfrom the bustle of everyday life. combines intricate techniquesKyoto, Kanazawa, and Tokyo, and flavourful ingredients withare home to several traditional a surprising lack of theatre.tea houses where you can Tokyos ginza and Shibuyaexperience such a ceremony districts host several excellentwith a geisha or maiko.teppanyaki restaurants. TeppanyakiKaisekiKAISEKIBENTO BOX Kaiseki is the formal haute A bento box is a compactcuisine of Japan that combines single-portion nutritious lunchrefined techniques, fresh with a balance of ingredients,ingredients and delicate including rice, fish or meat,presentation. Prepared by a and pickled veggies. They aremaster, a kaiseki meal includes convenient and delicious, andnine courses reflecting the rank high on kawaii, Japansseasons, with fish, seafood, cultural scale of cuteness.vegetables, and rice served with Bento boxes that appeal toaccompaniments. Traditional all ages can be purchased atShojin-ryoriryokans (inns) prepare some restaurants, stations, markets,of the best kaiseki meals, and just about everywhere.often served in a private room overlooking a garden.SHOJIN-RYORI IZAKAyASShojin-ryori is a traditional style Izakayas are the most popular ofof dining practiced in Japanese informal eating establishments,Zen Buddhism. Served sans where people eat and drink in anmeat, fish, or other animal intimate, yet lively setting. Theyproducts, it comprises tofu and are as much about unwindingsoybean cooked to perfection and drinking with others as theywith seasonal vegetables and are about dining. Food is theplants. Shojin-ryori is served highlight of the experience, within dining halls at Buddhist the best izakayas serving theirmonasteries such as the own specialty tapas-like dishesKoyasan monastery at Mount such as sashimi, yakitori, orKoya near Osaka.takoyakis along with sake.TRUE VOYAgES \x1a 31'