b'octopus drying, SantoriniPat and Bozenain GreeceAtmosphere Kanifushi, MaldivesBeautiful architecture of Santoriniplaceit has time written all over it. We enjoyed walking throughWhat makes you so passionate about travelling?Santorini because it has a lovely sense of history. The architectureWhen we were children, we had a house in Spain, so thats where we was incredible, and because were engineers, we were amazedwould go. But a few years ago, I decided I wanted moreto travel at how people managed to engineer concrete houses into thearound the world, to see the best places and stay in the best places. PHOTOS: PAT gILLOOLY (cOUPLE), ATMOSPHERE KAnIFUSHI (HOTEL) mountains. I want to see things I dont usually see.And how was it travelling during the pandemic in SeptemberWhat are the places in the world you really want to visit now?2021? Id like to visit Fiji, and Im going to plan a trip there for sure. And It was no problem in greece. We had absolutely no issue at all. It wasperhaps Mauritius, and of course were going to the Maldives for all very normal. The only abnormal thing was wearing the masks,christmas. Id also like to go to Peru; everyone tells me Peru is a but of course, we are so used to that now, so it wasnt very differentfantastic place, an amazing country.from every other day of the last 18 months. Is there a destination or place youve been to that you feel youd of all the trips youve done with Hayes and Jarvis over the years.like to go back to again and again to discover more?Which is your most memorable and why? Egypt and India. Egypt, even though Ive been there so many times My favourite trip would be from October 2019 when we went now, I havent scratched the surface. My son is a history buff, so we to the Maldives and stayed at Atmosphere Kanifushi. It wasused to go there a lot, and I have been on nile cruises too. It may incredible. It was a tiny, thin island that was very romantic. We hadnot be the most sanitised country in the world, but it always blows the best time! We didnt have any issues, we felt they went the extrame away. Definitely Egyptthere is always something from way mile for us, and we thought it was a wonderful place. My daughterback in history, and you see it and think, wow. I like everything Lucy loved it! about Egypt, the whole culture. TRUE VOYAgES \x1a 57'