b'Okavango Delta, BotswanaA glittering water world of pools, lagoons, swamps, and floodplains make up the worlds largest inland delta. The Okavango Delta is an ever-changing landscape that flows and then disappears into the semi-arid Kalahari Desert. It attracts a great diversity of wildlife, which can be observed in various ways. Travel in Jeeps through the glorious floodplains, past herds of wildebeest, elephants, and wallowing hippos. Another way to experience the Delta is on a mokoro or canoe for two (and an expert guide). This traditional boat takes you through the marshes, deep into the wilderness. Watch an eagle hunt or maybe a shy nile crocodile basking on the banks. You can also fly in bush planes or a helicopter to get a birds-eye view of the Deltas animals and the normally inaccessible habitats of Botswana.side creditTRUE VOYAgES \x1a 13'