b'rediscovering travel1 2A CLASSIC REdISCovEREd The potato was one of the first global travellers, making its way from the Andes in South America to cooking pots around theworld. Its an indispensable ingredient in many comfort foods, gourmet dishes, and street foods. Here are eight dishes that have potatoes as the hero. Theyre sure 5 to make globetrotters feel happy and full 61.PAPAS RELLENAS PERU 2.LLAPINGACHO EcUADOR 3.KEWA DATSHI BHUTAn 4.TORTILLA SPAInIn the motherland of the potato,Llapingachos, pronouncedPotato plays the lead roleThe Spanish tortilla was over 3,000 varieties of the tuberyah-ping-ah-chos, are mashedin kewa datshi, the heartyinvented in the early 17th are cultivated. One dish thepotato pancakes or pattiesBhutanese stew of potatoescentury to feed the hungry Peruvians love is papas rellenasstuffed with cheese and onion,and cheese. Traditionally, thequickly and easily. Pan-fried or stuffed potatoes, which isand fried until crisp outsideBhutanese make this withpotatoes, eggs, a little salt, and both a street food found at anyand soft inside. This traditionalcheese made from yak milk, andolive oil is all it takes. In Madrid, Peruvian market and a popularEcuadorian favourite dates backsince they love chillies, youll findthey add onions and garlic; in dish made at home. Boiledto pre-Hispanic times and isthem in this simple but deliciousfact, catalans are especially potatoes are first mashed andfound in restaurants and fooddish. Though kewa datshi cangenerous with the garlic. This stuffed with spiced ground beefmarkets in the country. Thoughbe eaten on its own like a soup,Spanish omelette is not only (and maybe even raisins, boiledoften served as an appetiser orits mostly served with steamedfound on tapas menus but is eggs, and parsley). Then, theside dish, when accompaniedrice. Most Bhutanese cuisinealso a satisfying main dish.oval balls are dredged in flourby peanut sauce, a fried egg,restaurants will offer this famous and deep-fried. Theyre usuallysalad, and chorizo, it makes adish (and ema datshi, the served with a salsa criollafilling meal. national dish) and vary the spice (onion relish).levels to suit your taste.46 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'