b'rediscovering travelGREEN GETAWAYS FOR ALLActing today for a better tomorrowT his past year has shownwork hard behind the scenes tocommunity and conservation us without a doubt thatmake our trips as sustainable asprojects, minimise their we are part of a largerpossible. environmental impact, and treat global community. We haveWe focus on five key areas: their staff fairly.rediscovered that for a happier creating a safe and Having a positive impact and better future, we all needconducive work environmenton the communities in which to work together. We havewherein all our employees we operate, and supporting all had to question what wasare treated with respectcharitable organisations andTIP As a company, we encourage once familiar and learn to doand dignity and given theprojects that inspire us andour guests to give something things in a new way. So whyopportunity to learn and growmake a real difference on theback to the people and places not reconsider how we travel asin their roles. ground. that they visit on their trips. Our well?Providing responsible Reducing our ecologicalsustainability seal makes it easy At Hayes & Jarvis, wetravel experiences thatfootprint by improving ourfor guests to make responsible are committed to creatingare enriching for everyoneoffice spaces to becomechoices while planning a trip. This personalised journeys that areinvolvedfor guests and theincreasingly environment- seal is added to eco-conscious, meaningful, offer deep insightslocal communities visitedandfriendly, and investing inresponsible accommodation or into the destinations you visit,contribute to preserving theclimate protection projects activities in each proposal so a and are, above all, enjoyable.destinations natural and culturalthat offset cO2 emissions fromguest can discern at a glance We believe that our guestsheritage. our trips.which options contribute to the can travel responsibly in theWorking with trustworthy hayesandjarvis.co.uk/ conservation of nature and benefit destinations we offer, and wepartners who supportresponsible-tourism local communities.PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE TOURISMIts our mission to directly benefit the cultures, communities and environments we visit and give our guests a more enriching holiday.Just a Drop: We are one of the longest-standing partners of Just a Drop, an international water aid organisation providing sustainable clean water and suitable sanitation solutions to communities in need.Modern Slavery Statement: The Travelopia group we are part of has taken steps to ensure that slavery or human trafficking is not taking place in our operations and supply chains. This commitment is an integral part of our policies and the way we do business.Green holidays: We work alongside the Federation of Tour Operators, to encourage our hotels to adopt the Travelife Sustainability System. This helps us recognise those that are environmentally and socially sustainable.58 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'