b'TIKAL, gUATEMALAThe ancestors of current-day Mayans had a sophisticated culture, scripted language, evolved mathematics, and imposing architecture. Between 600 BcE and 900 cE, Tikal in guatemala was a Mayan stronghold. Though famed for its pyramids, archaeologists have actually unearthed and mapped over 3,000 constructions and 250 stone structures in Tikal, which reveals the scale and complexity of the Mayan civilisation, spread over four countries.DONT MISS: View the jungle canopy from the Temple of the Two-Headed Snake, Tikals highest structure. Stand at the grand Plaza and learn about Tikals fantastic history. hayesandjarvis.co.uk/guatemalaSUKHOTHAI, THAILAnD Formerly a Khmer outpost, Sukhothai was also the first capitalof the kingdom of Siam. The remains of this ancient capital lie outside of the modern city, within Sukhothai Historical Park, encompassing three towns and almost 200 sites built in the13th and 14th centuries. numerous temples and Buddhist monasteries have been reconstructed and are used for worship.The intricately carved and graceful Buddha sculptures found here add an aura of serenity.DONT MISS: Witness scenes from the life of Buddha carved at Wat Phra Mahathat with its lotus-bud tower and encircling moat. Seek out the statue of the walking Buddha at Wat Sra Si, on a small island in the lake.hayesandjarvis.co.uk/thailand TRUE VOYAgES \x1a 21'