b'437 85.ALOO SABZI/BHAJI InDIA 6.IRIO KEnYA 7.POTATO SKINS USA8.POUTINE cAnADAThere are innumerable regionalIrio is a traditional staple of thePotato skins have been aThe classic canadian comfort versions of this Indian potatoKikuyu, the largest indigenousbestselling appetiser infood poutine is essentially dish. What they all have incommunity in Kenya. nowrestaurants and bars acrossFrench fries topped with cheese common is tempered spiceseaten all over the country, therethe USA since the 1970s. Forcurds and meat gravy. It has meeting soft boiled potatoes.are many regional variations.the miraculous transformation,come a long way from its origins Aloo bhaji can be dry or in anHowever, the most commonwhole Russet potatoes arein rural Quebec, moving to the onion-tomato gravy. You mayform of this dish consists ofbaked until soft. They are thenmenus of food trucks, fast-food find it slightly mashed, insidemashed potatoes, peas, andcut lengthwise, most of thechains, and then gourmet a masala dosa (South Indiancorn. This is a filling side dishflesh scooped out, and the skinsrestaurants. creative chefs have rice-lentil crepes), as a main orusually served with roasted(with a little flesh) are toppedincluded ingredients like lobster side dish, or served with ricenyama choma or barbecuedwith bacon, cheddar cheeseand foie gras to make it more or Indian bread like chapatis ormeat. Its a street food, cookedand green onions. Finally, theupscale. puri. Every home in India hasregularly in Kenyan homes, andwedges are popped back in the its own version, as does everyeven found in five-star hoteloven to bake until the cheese Indian cuisine restaurant. buffets.melts and the skin is crisp.TRUE VOYAgES \x1a 47'