b'The REdISCovERyJames GoldingDirector of SalesRemember the first time you stood by the sea, the sand between your toes, listening to waves break against the shore? Do you recall the first time you visited a forest, pulsating with the sounds of nature? First-time travel experiences are always very special, and we all crave new journeys to echo that sense of wonder. This profoundly human quest for new and exciting discoveries in distant lands came to an abrupt halt in 2020. The pandemic made many long-distance trips impossible, and for a while, only limited local travel was possible.The worldwide crisis made it clear to us how fragile life is; it taught us to treasure the exciting encounters weve enjoyed when weve travelled the world. The circumstances have made us want to relive some of those firsts, those experiences that made our hearts soar. It has reminded us of how important exploring our world is and that we must reclaim those life-affirming journeys once again.As destinations start to finally openhigher, bigger, or more spectacular,you have nothing to worry about, up again, you can now get back tobut about the specialness of thewhether its revisions to itineraries, rediscovering ancient ruins or serenemomentabout simple but authenticchanges in country regulations or beaches, quiet temples and medievalexperiences. We at Hayes & Jarvis havesafety on the road.cities. Or maybe youre seeking to bealways placed great value on immersive in the great outdoors amidst glorioustravel, and were excited to help youOur portfolio of 70 destinations, vistas and uncommon wildlife. Itsrediscover this bright and brilliantnow includes the two European also time to rekindle all the wonderfulplanet. Whether youre keen to go ondestinations of Iceland and greece. feelings that come with interacting witha road trip nearby or to more distantThey are brimming with potential for people from other cultures and regions. lands, weve got you covered. Wefantastic first experiences or even adhere to the highest safety standards,repeat journeys to places you love. Rediscovering the joy of travel can beand we continue our pledge to takeWhatever your current calling, we are a be magical experience, similar to thegood care of you before and duringhere to translate it into an enchanting thrill of first discoveries. It is not aboutyour trip. We are committed to ensuringrediscovery of the true joy of travel. TRUE VOYAgES \x1a 3'