b'rediscovering travelBryce Canyon National Park, UtahSOUTHERN UTAHSouthern Utah is packed with national Parks, and by going in the springtime, you can avoid the crowds. You can also beat the intense heat of the Utah desert by visiting in April and May. Explore Zion, Arches, canyonlands, and capitol Reef national Parks all in a single trip. Or spend more time at one or two parks, and experience eclectic small towns like Moab and Flagstaff along the way. With our expert guides, you can explore these landscapes on foot, horseback or even while whitewater rafting. dining in Charleston, South CarolinaSAVANNAH & CHARLESTONTake a step back in time to visit the southern cities of Savannah, georgia and charleston, PHOTO: cHARLESTOn cOnVEnTIOn & VISITORS BUREAU (FOOD),SOUTH cAROLInA TOURISM (cARRIAgE)South carolina. Only two hours apart, these two cities capture the history and charm of the American South. The seaside city of Savannah has an elegant historic district, which we recommend experiencing on a horse-drawn carriage as the magnolias are blooming. You can also discover the regions history on a Black heritage or gullah geechee heritage tour. Then head up the coast to charleston, where elegant art galleries, antebellum mansions, and historic marketplaces create a genteel atmosphere. Both cities have a mix of modern cuisine and southern classics like fresh oysters, buttermilk biscuits, and fried green Charleston, South Carolina tomatoes.36 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'