b'Best Times aprilTea at a Berber campHue CitadelMOROCCOADVENTURES IN THE ATLAS MOUNTAINS AND VIETNAMTHE HISTORICAGAFAY DESERTCITIES OF HOI AN AND HUE Pleasant temperatures and minimal Central Vietnams historic cities ofrain (between March and May) Hoi An and Hue are blessed withmake April the right time to go agreeably warm weather in April.to Moroccos Atlas Mountains Discover Hoi Ans ancient town, aHoi An, Old Town and Agafay Desert. Leaving busy UNESCO World Heritage site, on aMarrakech, head into the High guided walking tour. Stroll alongAtlas Mountains with its diverse streets with distinctive yellowlandscapes, ranging from green houses and tiled roofs, stopping atvalleys to snow-scattered peaks the Japanese covered bridge, Cauand deep gorges. Learn about the Pagoda, and Phuc Kien Assemblyhistory, life, and culture of the Hall. At Hoi Ans legendary streetBerbers, an indigenous North African food stalls, sample grilled meats and community that lives here. Hike specialties like cao lu (pork bowl). Inthrough mountainside hamlets that the evenings, thousands of lanternstake you back in time. You can visit light up Nguyen Phuc Chu Street, thea Berber home, share a traditional night market, and Hoi An Park on thelunch with your host, and appreciate south bank of the Hoai River.their simple lifestyle. For the more Hue, Vietnams imperial capital, sitsenergetic, theres a full-day trek to on the banks of the Perfume River.Tizi Mzik mountain pass from Imlil Tour the Imperial Citadel within theDades Gorges, High Atlas Mountains village. Look out for fruit orchards Complex of Hue Monuments and theand terraced fields tended by the PHOTO: FILIPE FREITAS ON UNSPLASH (HOI AN OLD TOWN)Museum of Royal Antiquities in theBerber community. The scent of former Long An Palace building tojuniper and stunning vistas of the learn about the Nguyen Dynasty thatImlil and Azadane valleys grace your ruled for 143 years. Make your waywalking route. An hour southwest to the Khai Dinh Royal Tomb, whichof Marrakech, the Agafay Desert blends Vietnamese and Europeanis a rocky landscape where you architecture, while Tu Duc Tomb iscan go quad biking, glamping, and famous for its serene lake and grandexploring Berber villages. At sunset, pavilions. Visit Thien Mu Pagoda,admire panoramas of the High Atlas an important spiritual centre forMountains from your camp. Listen Buddhists, and top off your trip withto local folklore sitting around a stunning sunset views of Hue andcampfire, savouring traditional the river from Vong Canh Hill.Berber dishes under starry skies. hayesandjarvis.co.uk/central- Camping in the Agafay Deserthayesandjarvis.co.uk/atlas-vietnam mountains12 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'