b'Plan your trip to Hawaii around one of these annual events or festivals for an insight into the islands vibrant culture and natural beauty.OAHUFESTIVALSHonolulu Festival showcases the islands diverse cultures, bringing together a vibrant mix of music, dance, art, and cuisine. Held annually in March, the Honolulu Festival features events such as traditional Japanese taiko drumming, hula performances, and an elaborate Grand Parade through Waikiki. The festival promotes understanding and harmony between Hawaii and the PacificWhale-watching in MauiRim through educational programmes, cultural exchanges, and family-friendly activities. With its lively atmosphere andMAUIWHALE SEASONrich array of performances and exhibits,From December to April, youll findLei makingthe Honolulu Festival is an unforgettablehumpback whales visiting Hawaii. While experience that highlights Hawaiianyou can see whales throughout the culture and connections to the Hawaiian Islands during that period, wider world. nowhere do they congregate more than in the waters off Maui. During whale Aloha Week (also known as the Alohaseason, the warm, shallow waters Festivals) is a vibrant celebration ofsurrounding the island become a Hawaiian culture, history, and traditionsplayground for thousands of humpback held every September. Originating inwhales migrating from Alaska to breed, 1946, Aloha Week has grown into agive birth, and nurse their young. SeeingTHE BIG ISLANDMERRIE month-long series of events, includingthese majestic creatures breaching, tailMONARCH FESTIVALcolourful parades, hula performances,slapping, and spouting is a mesmerizingThe week-long Merrie Monarch Festival, traditional music, and artisan fairs. Theexperience enjoyed from the shoreheld annually on the Big Island, is a festivities highlight the spirit of alohaor on a guided whale-watching boatpremier cultural event dedicated to through cultural demonstrations, lei- tour. Mauis whale season is a timepreserving and celebrating Hawaiian making, and delicious Hawaiian cuisine,of celebration and education, withtraditions, particularly the art of hula. and brings locals and visitors togethernumerous events and activities dedicatedFounded in 1964 to boost tourism to honor the islands rich heritage. Thisto these magnificent marine mammals. and honour the legacy of King David beloved annual event is a time for theKalkaua, the Merrie Monarch who community to unite in joy to celebrate,KAUAIWAIMEA TOWNrevived hula and Hawaiian arts during his preserve, and share Hawaiis uniqueCELEBRATION reign, the festival has since grown into a cultural legacy. Beginning in the 19th century, immigrantprestigious event that draws participants workers came to Kauais plantations toand spectators from around the world. hayesandjarvis.co.uk/hawaii work in the islands thriving sugarcaneThe festival includes hula competitions, fields. While Kauai no longer has acraft fairs, cultural workshops, and a sugarcane industry, this poignantgrand parade showcasing Hawaiis rich chapter in Hawaiis history is nowcultural heritage. Historically, the festival commemorated annually at the historicemerged as a response to the decline plantation town of Waimea.Waimeaof native Hawaiian practices in the Town Celebration is Kauais largest andearly 20th century, with King Kalkaua oldest festival, offering a vibrant blend ofplaying a critical role in the cultural culture, history, and entertainment. Therenaissance. The hula competition is week-long event in February celebratesthe events highlight, featuring ancient the islands rich heritage with activities,(kahiko) and modern (auana) hula including hula performances, Hawaiianperformances, judged by experts on music, cultural demonstrations, andtechnique, interpretation, and adherence canoe races. It also features local foodto tradition. The festival organised during vendors, craft fairs, and a spirited rodeo,March-April aims to preserve Hawaiian attracting both locals and visitors, whoculture and inspire new generations to get to honour Kauais traditions andengage with and carry forward time-enjoy the lively atmosphere. honoured practices. TRUE VOYAGES \x1a25'