b'PARTNER SPOTLIGHTBRITISH AIRWAYS Club SuiteYour personal space to sit, sleep, work, or relax.Club Suites can be found aboard alladjust your seat to a range of differentin-flight personnel ensure they are British Airways A350s, Boeing 787-10s,positions with a simple press of buttons.comfortable and well-fed throughout and many 777s. An adjustable seat light is easy to accessthe journey. Theres also a Club Kitchen and control. Every seat has severalstocked with sandwiches, drinks, SPACE AND FREEDOMdifferent private charging options,yoghurts, fruit pots, cookies, crisps, Every seat gets direct aisle access withincluding USB ports and a universalchocolates and nuts just in case a guest a sliding door for greater privacy. Eachpower plug. Guests can purchase high- is looking for a nibble between services. seat is a luxurious 79/198cm (6ft 6in)speed Wi-Fi packages at a nominal cost PHOTOS: BRITISH AIRWAYS (ALL)fully flatbed seat, in a 1-2-1 configuration.if required.WELL-BEING Conveniently, the armrest can alsoThe Club Suite cabin promotes well-be raised or lowered. Guests get 40%ENTERTAINMENT being, space, and calmness. High ceilings more storage space than previousHigh-definition 18.5-inch inflight screensand ambient lighting complement the business class seats in three separateat every seat are a big plus and muchtime of day and outside light. Each guest compartments, including one with alarger than previous Club World screens.receives a The White Company amenity vanity mirror in the door. Each seat alsoThe latest films and music keep guestskit, headphones, and a plush full-size has a unique, bespoke table designed tocomfortably entertained with easypillow and blanket to enhance the be adapted for working and eating.touchscreen functionality.business class experience. DIGITAL TECHTOP-NOTCH SERVICETo improve the flying experience andChampagne, a hot towel, and a menu of make it more comfortable, you canassorted wines, beers, and spirits kick off the service on a long-haul flight in Club Suites. Once guests make their meal selections from the menu, experienced TRUE VOYAGES \x1a43'