b'januaryJANFEBE C M D A R Antarctica cruise VO APN RT M ANTARCTICACRUISE SHIP C POLAR ADVENTURE O YAJanuary is the height of the Antarctic summer. The relatively warmer weather (average is stillzero degrees!) and 20 hours ofdaylight are perfect for exploring the continent. On a cruise ship expedition to Antarctica, journey P JE S N Uthrough the Drake Passage, Weddell Sea, Falkland Islands, andSouth Georgia Island to cross theAntarctic Circle. Watch Antarctic terns, snowy albatrosses, and giantG U A L U Jpetrels as they follow the ship. Onboard, polar experts engage guests with fascinating details of the regions geography, history, and biology. Survey the white continent on kayaks or Zodiacs (inflated boats), on foot, and via helicopter. Santiago de Chile Blue-tinged glaciers, ice-capped mountains, frigid bays, fjords, craggy CHILESANTIAGO DE CHILE AND VALPARAISOinlets, and cobblestone beaches Stretched along South Americas western edge, Chile is known for its high mountains,are all part of the rugged terrain. rich culture, and fine vineyards, but its cities are equally fascinating. Pleasant January isEnormous colonies of chinstrap an ideal time to visit Santiago de Chile. During this time, the capital hosts the month-longpenguins, Adlie penguin chicks in Santiago a Mil festival, showcasing local and international performing arts talent in streettheir rookeries, and Weddell seal performances and theatre productions. A heritage walking tour of the bohemian Barriopupsare some of the highlights. Yungay neighbourhood offers a peek into the citys eccentric street art. Browse MercadoThe vast sea of emperor penguins Centrals fish market and Chilean eateries, and La Vega market for exotic fruits andon Snow Hill will leave you smitten. vegetables. Take the funicular to the top of San Cristobal Hill for sweeping vistas of theIf youre lucky, you may see city and the majestic Andes. humpback, minke, and killer whales Valparaso, 120 kilometres northwest of Santiago, is a buzzing port city with historicin the surrounding waters. More architecture, multi-coloured houses, and narrow alleyways. Wander through the Cerroadventurous travellers can enjoy Bellavista area, stopping at Museo a Cielo Abierto, to see outdoor murals painted by Latinoutdoor camping and exclusive American artists, and La Sebastiana, once the home of renowned Chilean poet Pabloheli-landing tours. An immersive trip Neruda. The hilly Cerro Alegre area has many promenades and excellent views of the bay.to Antarctica to see its abundant Plaza Sotomayor is the citys historic square with beautiful buildings and monuments towildlife is undoubtedly a life-naval heroes. Expect to share your space with many other tourists in Valparaiso in January. changing experience.hayesandjarvis.co.uk/santiago hayesandjarvis.co.uk/antarctica-cruiseTRUE VOYAGES \x1a9'