b"Scenes from aSAFARIMigration magic in East Africa.By Florian Keller Chief Customer & Sustainability OfficerSpeke's Camp, Masai MaraOne of the firstlaid a little bar with our favourite drinks, and safari chairs facing experiences I had in the Masai Mara was in 2004. I was staying in a small safarian amphitheatre. On three sides lay the expanse of the Mara, camp just outside the reserve, where you can walk in thewith the Serengeti Plains visible in the distance. The golden ball savanna. One day, when the camp manager suggested we walkof the sun was setting against these wide-open vistas. It was PHOTO: SPEKE'S CAMPup the hill for a magnificent view of the landscape, we wentmagical. It was one of the moments that made me fall in love along. After about 1.5 hours of walking, the light was fading,with Africa. and we were getting a little concerned. We asked our guideIt was a few more years before I decided, but I finally relocated whether we should turn around. He assured us we had nothingto East Africa in 2007. And, with the Masai Mara only a five-hour to worry about, and we continued to the top. When we reacheddrive from my home in Nairobi, Kenya, Ive been lucky enough to the high escarpment, we were surprised to find the staff hadsee the migration every year since. TRUE VOYAGES \x1a29"