b'Dining on the Rocky MountaineerIngrid with the luxury train Scenic Kamloops Gourmet meals onboard the trainRECOMMENDED TIME TO GO:May is the ideal month to visit as it perfectly balances PHOTOS: ROCKY MOUNTAINEER (LANDSCAPE WITH TRAIN, DINING CAR, FOOD), INGRID VULTORIUS (INGRID WITH TRAIN)comfortable temperatures, fewer crowds, and bursts of springs vibrant wildflowers and wildlife.Unlike a car trip, where driving demands focus on theformations called hoodoos. As we climbed into the road, the train allowed me to absorb the ever-changingmountains, we passed Shuswap Lake and Craigellachie, landscape fully. We traversed sections inaccessiblewhere the last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railwayby caralong mountain ledges beside roaring rivers,was driven. Bald eagles and black bears added tooffering unparalleled vistas.the enigma.The train slowed for a closer look at Hells Gate, theThe engineering marvel of the spiral tunnels at Kicking dramatic, narrowest part of the Fraser River. Riding theHorse Pass is astonishing. The railway loops back upon train added a whole new dimension to understanding theitself twice, tunnelling under mountains and crossing history of the Canadian Pacific Railway. I learnt about thethe river twice to manage the steep gradient. As my Skuzzy steamboat, the first boat to successfully navigatejourney reached its end in Banff, I felt a pang of sadness. this treacherous section of the river in 1882, paving theI stayed at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, a true way to moving railway supplies more efficiently. castle in the Rockies, perfectly situated at the base The impressive length and frequency of Canadianof Rundle Mountain. Banff National Park is Canadas freight trains captured my attention. These workhorses,first national park with some of the most breathtaking sometimes stretching to 200 cars, carry double-stackedmountain scenery imaginablejagged peaks, turquoise containers and are vital to the transportation system. Butglacial lakes, and vibrant emerald valleys. Its diverse it was the ever-changing landscape that stole the show,wildlife includes grizzly and black bears, elk, moose, shifting from lush forests and fertile valleys to dramaticdeer, bighorn sheep, wolves, and over 250 species of gorges and unexpected desert-like environments.birds. Exploring the parks trails on an electric bike was Mineral-painted cliffs in shades of yellow, orange, anda thrilling new experience for me, and the captivating red left me speechless, and temperatures seemed tohighlight was spotting a massive black bear from a safe soar as we approached a vast, mirror-like lake thatdistance. Despite having seen countless photos of Lake announced our arrival in Kamloops. My night at a hotelLouise, nothing prepared me for the grandeur of the in Kamloops was extraordinary, with the sky ablazetowering rock walls around it.with the Northern Lights. What an unusual time for thisThis trip fueled my desire to return and explore more of dazzling spectacleI never imagined Id be seeing thethe Canadian Rockies. Travelling the Icefields Parkway aurora in May while sitting by the lake in short sleeves! from Banff to Jasper National Park in Alberta is now The next day brought unique, erosion-sculpted rockfirmly on my bucket list. TRUE VOYAGES \x1a39'