b'58SMOOTH SAILINGThe fascinating waterways of Vietnam and Cambodia on Heritage Lines boutique small-ship cruises31COSTA RICA: 31PARADISE ON EARTHGuanacaste and Osa Peninsulas pristine rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and secluded beaches will leave you spellbound 42 52THANK YOU FOR THENOODLES: A GLOBAL 32 MUSIC PHENOMENONA glimpse of the rich musicalNoodles transcend cultural CULINARY ENSEMBLE history of the USA boundaries and appear in A moveable South Korean feast 43 diverse forms 59THE CLUB SUITE 54 PHOTOS: EAQ/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM (GRAPE HARVESTER), BLUE SAFARI (TORTOISE), JOSHUA SUKOFF ON UNSPLASH (KAYAKING)Your personal space to sit,BOTSWANA: DRY sleep, work, and relax SEASON AND GREEN SEASON59The pros and cons of the dry 44 and green seasons and whereFAMILY TIME AT to witness zebra migrations ALPHONSE ISLAND YEAR-ROUND LATINBond with the family while AMERICA protecting the unique fauna and No matter what the monthflora of the Seychelles or season, travel to these destinations in South America for sunny days, colonial charm, and gastronomic pleasures IMPRINT32 49 A PUBLICATION OF HAYES & JARVISCAR-FREE ISLANDS 020 8106 2403From a tropical sandbar to anhello@hayesandjarvis.35 off-the-beaten-path island inco.ukAlaska, explore these islands onhayesandjarvis.co.ukUPSCALE ADVENTURESfoot, bicycle, kayak, or buggy Editor: Niloufer IN SOUTH AFRICA VenkatramanDe Hoop Nature Reserve from49 Design: Diviya Mehrathe air, elephant conservation at(@whitematterdesign)Jabulani, and an elegant diningand Urvashi Makwanaexperience at Klein JAN in theCover: Holi festival Tswalu Kalahari celebration in India (Bharti Shukla on Unsplash)36 56 All images in the magazine are from Shutterstock unless explicitly stated on ALL-TIME FAVOURITES 44 STALK AND POUNCE:individual pagesOur travel consultants shareLURE OF THE BIG CATSsome of their favouriteTips for spotting five destinations in the world:charismatic felines in their Australia, Canada, and Japan natural habitatsTRUE VOYAGES \x1a5'