b'Best TimesA remarkable fact about the Mara and the safari experience infavourites. The accommodation here is in designer tents with Africa is that you never know whats coming next. You cannotall the creature comforts you need. I enjoy deep sleep, amazing predict what is around the cornera pride of sleeping lions,views, fantastic guides, great food, and warm hospitality. Ive a cheetah chasing its prey, or a pack of wild dogs. Ive nowseen lions five minutes from the camp, elephants from the travelled into the Mara about 30-40 times, and the experienceliving room, animals just walking by my tent. is so different each time. It never gets boring. The dramaticIn many camps, you will get a mind-blowing experience of landscapes, the energy of ever-present animals, the expansebeing so very close to nature. The worries and hustle of our of African skies, the spectacular sunsetsleave me in awe ofworld seem light-years away. I have a few favourites when it nature and the miracle of creation.comes to safari experiences. I love sipping coffee at dawn on There have been so many instances that have pulled at mythe verandah or deck of my tent, listening to the symphony heartstrings. The Serengeti and the Mara are both veryof the wilderness. While on a morning safari, having a bush different. The Mara is an area where you can see wildlife allbreakfast with the table set up on the bonnet of the safari year round, and when the wildebeest cross the Mara River, youvehicle is fun. As we eat, we may see a herd of elephants go have front-row seats to nature in its rawest form. I have seenby or watch crocs in the Mara River. Sundowners at vantage crocodiles kill a wildebeest by drowning it and I have seen apoints are so heartwarming; the scene gets imprinted as an wildebeest struggle and escape the clutches of a crocodile. unforgettable memory. I have often experienced romantic bush Its all very dramatic and part of the cycle of life.dinners out in the open under starry skies, with an open fire and The Naboisho Camp in the Mara Naboisho Conservancy,lanterns hanging. Its such a wonderful way to wrap up a day of adjacent to the Masai Mara National Reserve, is one of myincredible wildlife viewing and never fails to fill me with joy. "This company excels, with customer satisfaction at its core. This is the third tailor-made Kenyan beach and Safari holiday we have had with them, and each one has been a dream. You are looked after from the early discussions to the end of the journey. We definitely recommend it andlook forward to booking with them again."Lynne Ward For a customised Africa vacation, scan the QR code or click the link:hayesandjarvis.co.uk/africaMasai Mara walking safari Serengeti National ParkPHOTOS: SAYARI CAMP BY ASILIA AFRICA (PEOPLE LOUNGING), GOVERNORS PRIVATE CAMP (WALKING SAFARI)Sundowners by the river Sayari, Serengeti30 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'