b"Best TimesMendoza city is your gateway to exploring theBEST TIMEMendoza regions wineries, which produceWine barrels Each season in Mendoza the famous Malbec grape and internationallyoffers something acclaimed top-quality wines. Tour the area'sdifferent, but you can outstanding bodegas and enjoy unparalleledenjoy wine tasting, gastronomic experiences. The city alsooutdoor adventures, and has great art museums and wonderfullyimmerse yourself in the landscaped parks like the Parque San Martin. natural beauty of the region any time of the year. Summer (Dec-Feb) is peak tourist season and can get busy. Spring (Sep-Nov) is lush and green, and autumn (Mar-May) is for changing colours and cool weatherboth seasons are perfect for outdoor pursuits. Winter (Jun-Aug) is a bit cold and off-season, but a great time to avoid the crowds and enjoy snowy weather and some skiing.hayesandjarvis.co.uk/mendozaPHOTO: EYEM MOBILE GMBH/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM (GRAPES)Grapes being harvested in Mendoza46 \x1a HAYES JARVIS"