b'Best Times july RwandaTHAILANDTROPICAL ESCAPE KOH SAMUIKoh Samui promises long stretchesMountain gorillas, Rwandaof pristine golden beaches, golf courses, rejuvenating spa experiences, water sports, andRWANDAGORILLAS AND breathtaking ocean views. This ThaiCHIMPANZEES IN THE WILDisland has primarily dry and warmRwandas remarkable biodiversity is weather in July as it sits on the Gulfspread across various ecosystems, Coast of Thailand. During this time offrom lowland and hilly forests the year, visitors are assured plentyto vast savanna woodlands and of sunshine, some rain showers, andgrasslands. Primate enthusiasts fewer crowds than in the peak drywill be particularly thrilled with season.the possibility of close encounters While quality beach time andwith gorillas and chimpanzees. tropical sun are likely your priorities,The dry months (June to August) Koh Samui is the perfect base forare the best time to trek to see short excursions to idyllic nearbythese wonderful primates, as islands. Less than an hour away byTravellers enjoy the warmthe forest trails are less slippery. speedboat, Ang Thong Nationalweather in Koh Samui Nyungwe Forest National Park, Marine Park is an archipelago of 42part of Africas oldest rainforest, marvellous islands with limestoneis home to over 500 chimpanzees. mountains, sublime waterfalls,Experienced trackers guide guests unexplored caves, untouched lakes,Goddess with eighteen arms aton treks through the rainforests and hiking opportunities to gorgeousWat Plai Laem, Koh Samui to observe chimpanzees in their viewpoints. natural habitat and learn about their Add a few cultural tours to addbehaviour and social structure. A PHOTOS: SHARON ANG VIA PIXABAY (SUN UMBRELLAS),CHELSEA CHEHADE ON UNSPLASH (GODDESS)interest to your trip to Koh Samui.230-foot-high suspended canopy Visit Wat Plai Laem, a colourfulwalk offers astounding aerial temple on a lake swarming withviews of the lush forest, Nyungwes koi and turtles. The complex hasbirds, and wildlife. Gorilla trekking huge statues of a Guanyin (goddessin Volcanoes National Park is a of mercy and compassion) and awonderful way to meet mountain 30-metre-tall laughing Buddha. Also,gorillas as they wander the forest visit the 12-metre-high shimmeringin groups of 5-30 individuals, led by gold Big Buddha in the temple ofa majestic silverback (adult male). Wat Phra Yai on the rocky outcrop ofAn experienced tracker and guide Koh Fan. For a truly local experience,will lead you through hidden jungle go early in the morning when monkspaths to observe these endangered chant, and Thai residents come tocreatures as they groom, forage,pray and make offerings. and play. hayesandjarvis.co.uk/koh-samui hayesandjarvis.co.uk/gorilla-trekking16 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'