b'Costa Rica: Paradise on Earth PARTNER SPOTLIGHTGuanacaste and Osa Peninsulas pristine rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and secluded beaches will leave you spellbound.Ocean safariWalking across a hanging bridgeRincon de laSloth in the Vieja volcano,rainforestGuanacasteGUANACASTEGuanacaste province in the northwest corner of Costa Rica is a tropical paradise with 640 kilometres of coastline, beautiful mountains, volcanoes, and dense mangroves and rainforests. therapeutic properties, or get a mud mask. The more adventurous can go Explore Guanacastes gorgeous beaches,ziplining, waterfall rappeling, kayaking, like Papagayo and Tamarindo, whichhiking or horseback riding through the are perfect year-round for relaxation,national parks. Most of Guanacastes sunbathing, and water activities likenational parks are best visited outside snorkelling. Some beaches are alsothe rainy season from December to April.famous for wildlife. Accompanied by a guide, you can see thousands of oliveOSA PENINSULAridley turtles in the Ostional NationalLocated on Costa Ricas southern PacificCorcovado National Park and Piedras PHOTO: SAMARA ADVENTURES (DOLPHIN VIEWING)Wildlife Refuge all year round. Masscoast, Osa Peninsula is one of EarthsBlancas National Park occupy over half nesting events occur between Augustmost biologically diverse places. Itthe peninsula and are world-renowned and October. Head to Las Baulasis known for its vast rainforests andecotourism areas. Resplendent with National Marine Park between Octoberabundant wildlife, including jaguars,wildlife, Corcovado is known for its dense and March to see leatherback turtles. anteaters, tapirs, ocelots, pumas, andlowland tropical rainforests, mangrove howler, spider, squirrel, and white-facedswamps, and isolated beaches. Over 100 Rincon de la Vieja National Park has acapuchin monkeys. The peninsula alsomammal species, 367 bird species, and famous active volcano and an amazinghas long stretches of white sand beaches117 species of amphibians and reptiles geothermal landscape of bubbling mudand clear turquoise waters perfect forare found here. Stay in first-class lodges pits, craters, and fumaroles. Arenalsome R&R. Osas hidden treasure isas you experience the authentic natural Volcano is another towering mountainGolfo Dulce, where nature lovers canworld of these jungles on guided forest worth visiting. After a hike in eitherswim, snorkel, fish, and kayak and alsotrails that go past waterfalls, springs, and of these parks, soak in one of thespot dolphins and whales in the ceruleanpools. Some unique animals youre sure natural hot springs, rich in minerals andwaters. to spot are scarlet macaws and sloths. TRUE VOYAGES \x1a31'