b'"A luxury holiday that exceeded expectations. Having used a couple of other luxury holiday providers, we tried H&J and finally had a smooth and wonderful holiday. This was a safari trip to Botswana. All our transfers and excursions worked well, and we were well supported as we put the trip together with good advice.TALK TO OUR This led to a fantastic experience that we will repeat."EXPERT 70% Thidara Udomritkul Christopher Healey thidara.udomritkul@hayesandjarvis.co.uk020 8106 2376 of the countryhayesandjarvis.co.uk/botswana is desertZebras migrating in theChobe NationalKasanegreen season ParkOkavangaNxai Pans Delta National ParkMoremi Game Reserve Makgadigadi PansMaun National ParkCentral KalahariGame ReserveBOTSWANAGabarone38% of the country is protected national parks/sanctuaries/ reservesThe largest Great Zebra Migrations elephant herds in the world are BOTSWANA HAS TWO SIMULTANEOUS GREEN SEASON ZEBRA MIGRATIONS found inChobe National ParkROUTE 1 SPOT THEMROUTE 2 TOTAL DISTANCE Chobe NationalOpen plains ofMeerkats in theMoremi/ ~500 kilometres Park to Nxai PanMakgadikgadiMakgadikgadi Pans Okavango Delta National Park andNational Park andto MakgadikgadiSPOT THEM back. Nxai Pan NationalPans National ParkBig herds around Park (exceptand return. the Boteti River on NUMBERMarch to Junethe western edge 20,000 zebraswhen they may beNUMBERof Makgadikgadi mid-migration). 15,000 zebrasPans National Park, TOTAL DISTANCEaccompanied byas the zebras move PHOTO: PLANET BAOBAB (MIGRATION)~800 kilometres some wildebeest. in/out of the area.SEASON Migration begins in earlySEASON Migration begins in November-December, reaching the nutrient-richDecember, reaching Makgadikgadi in grasses of Nxai in 2-3 weeks. Animals2-3 weeks. Animals remain there until remain in Nxai until February and thenFeb-Mar, when they begin to amass on start the return journey north or east tothe western edge of Makgadikgadi before Chobe and Namibia (return takes about setting off on their return route into the 3 months; February to April) southeastern areas of the Okavango Delta (including Moremi Game Reserve). TRUE VOYAGES \x1a55'