b"Best Times AntelopesOF THE SERENGETI AND MARA ECOSYSTEMMAIN CAST OF THE GREAT MIGRATIONTHE LARGEST STAR OF THE SHOW THE SMALLEST MOST ENDANGEREDSouthern eland Blue wildebeestKirks dik-dik Fringe-eared oryx Elands are graceful giantsStars of the Great Migration,Dik-diks are the smallestThe elegant East African oryx of the savanna. These tawnywildebeest (also called gnu)antelopes in the Serengeti- (aka Beisa oryx and fringe-creatures with spiral horns areare of stocky build. They haveMara ecosystem, barely eared oryx) has sweeping the worlds largest antelopes.shaggy, dark brown coats,30-40 cm in height andhorns and a fringe of hair Some adult bulls reach 2,000long manes, and narrow facesweighing around 7 kilos. on its ears. Adapted to arid pounds and a shoulder heightwith white beards and curvedThey are hard to spot andenvironments, its population of 1.5 metres.horns. have elongated snouts,is decreasing and it is Spot them: In the dry season,Spot them: Throughout thetiny horns, and large eyes,considered Vulnerable.in the northern woodlandsSerengeti and Masai Mara inencircled with white fur.Spot them: Extremely rare;and in the wet season in themigrating herds. Spot them: Lobo Valley in sometimes on the Tanzania-southern or eastern plains ofthe Northern Serengeti. Kenya border, near thethe Serengeti. Mara River. Thomsons gazelle Common duiker Greater kudu Imbabala bushbuck TopiMOST COMMONLESS COMMON ANTELOPESSPIRAL-HORNEDTHE FASTEST ANTELOPES OF THEGreater kudu, BohorANTELOPES Blue wildebeest, Thomsons SERENGETI reedbuck, Common duiker,Southern eland, Greatergazelle, Grants gazelle, Topi, Wildebeest, ThomsonsSteenbok, Fringe-eared oryx,kudu, Lesser kudu, ImbabalaCoke's hartebeest, Greater gazelle, Common waterbuck Coke's hartebeest, Imbabalabushbuck kudu, and Lesser kudu can bushbuck, Kirks dik-dik all clock speeds of 70-80 19 Species of Antelope kilometres per hour1. Blue wildebeest 2. Southern eland 3. Greater kudu 4. Lesser kudu 5. Bohor reedbuck 6. Fringe-eared oryx 7. Coke's hartebeest 8. Topi 9. Thomson's gazelle 10. Grant's gazelle 11. Common waterbuck 12. Imbabala bushbuck 13. Klipspringer 14. Steenbok 15. Dik-dik 16. Common impala 17. Oribi 18. Gerenuk 19. Common duiker28 \x1a HAYES JARVIS"