b'Best TimesThree great US cities stacked with legendary landmarks, amazing live music venues, and must-see music museums.Thank youfor theMusicSingeron BourbonStreet, New OrleansPHOTOS: FREDERIC BARRIOL ON UNSPLASH (SUN CITY), GEORGECLERK/ISTOCK.COM (HONKY TONK HIGHWAY), NICE M NSHUTI ON UNSPLASH (SINGER AND SAXOPHONE PLAYER)The legendaryHonky TonkLive saxophone Sun Studio, Memphis Highway, Nashville performance, New OrleansHOME OF THE BLUES, SOUL,COUNTRY MUSIC POWERHOUSE:BIRTHPLACE OF JAZZ: NEW AND ROCK N ROLL: MEMPHIS NASHVILLE ORLEANSMemphis is hailed as the birthplace Nashville has a rich musical legacy.New Orleans is a city of colourful of blues, soul, and rock n roll music. World-famous music venues, likestreets lined with clubs and venues for No visit to Memphis is complete withoutthe Grand Ole Opry and the Rymanlive jazz, funk, blues, and brass bands. a tour of Graceland, Elvis PresleysAuditorium, are where country musicsMost famous for its jam-packed clubs estate, and the new Elvis Presleysbiggest superstars often grace theand lounges is Bourbon Street in the Memphis entertainment complex. Hotstage. Country music fans must tourFrench Quarter. Attend nightly concerts foot it to the legendary Sun Studio,RCA Studio B, the Country Music Hallat historic Preservation Hall, The Jazz where countless rock n roll stars fromof Fame and Museum, the NationalPlayhouse, Tipitinas, or a live show at a Johnny Cash to B.B. King and HowlinMuseum of African American Music,traditional jazz club like Fritzels. Mardi Wolf made their mark. Memphis isand the Johnny Cash Museum. Then,Gras is New Orleanss famous annual packed with live performance venuesstroll The Music City Walk of Fame andcarnival celebration (held between Jan-and theatres. The Beale Street HistoricMusic Garden on Nashvilles Music Mile. Mar). Visitors are drawn to the festivities, District has fabulous blues clubs, whileAt night theres no better place thanrevelry, parades, lively parties, and history buffs must visit the WC Handyneon-lit Honky Tonk Highway, whereelaborate costumes. Celebrate the history Home and Museum and the Rock n almost every bar has a live bandand culture of jazz on a tour of the New Soul Museum. Though Memphis is an playing. The city is travel-friendly allOrleans Jazz Museum. At the Musical all-year-round destination, you can year round, and the music never stops,Legends Park, life-size bronze statues of plan your visit to catch a world-classbut the weather is warmest betweenlocal musical legends greet you alongside music act.April and October.daily live jazz performances.42 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'