b'THE GREATMIGRATIONWHAT IS IT?WHEN?NUMBER OF ANIMALSWHERE? Migration of around twoContinuous YEAR-ROUND1.5 0.5 Serengeti (Tanzania) million wildebeest, zebras,cycle as animals move from All year roundand antelopes across theplace to place in search ofmillionmillion Large area, only game drives Serengeti in Tanzaniagreen pastures and water wildebeest zebraspossible and Masai Mara in Kenya,(and otherMasai Mara (Kenya)following the seasonal rains antelopes)MigrationJuly-SepBig 5all year roundSAFARI EXPERIENCESACCOMMODATIONPRIVATEGame drivesSafari Camps and LodgesCONSERVANCIES Walking safaris/bush walks (Serengeti)semi-permanent No crowds Horseback safaris camps that are mobile and Walking, night and gameBalloon safaris move with the migratingsafaris TALK TO OURAuthentic culturalherds. Very close to animals. Off-roading EXPERTencountersBoutique Safari Lodges Experience life in localMark Larwoodand Camps (Masai Mara)villages mark.l@hayesandjarvis. permanent, decks withco.ukvantage points, extremely020 3885 1406comfortable, luxury glamping, plumbing, incredible views. Not as close to animals. ECOSYSTEM IN BALANCEThis migration plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem in East Africa. Moving in a loop ensures the animals get adequate food and prevents overgrazing. The animals droppings nourish the soil, supporting the growth of fresh grasses and plants which support allthe herbivorous animalsof the ecosystem. Even though several hundred thousand wildebeest die during this annual cycle, an equally large number are born. Predators get enough food to sustain themselves, and there is a healthy balance of predators and prey. TRUE VOYAGES \x1a27'