b'Art & Travelstreet artstreet art is an important element in the identity of a city and its residents and often expresses social and political messages. Graffiti and street art tours are an integral part of tourism around the world. While specific street art changes and new murals replace older ones, the urban expression and aesthetic of its makers remains.Nairobi, Kenyaside crePHoditToS: PETER okwARA (kEnYA), JAmES GARmAn (AuSTRALIA),Jon TYSon (mExICo), JuLIIA ABRAmoVA(uAE), AZZEdInE RouICHI (CoLomBIA)on unSPLASH), PIxABAY (BRAZIL)A street mural in nairobi dedicated to kenyan olympian Eliud kipchoge, one of the greatest marathoners in the world.12 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'