b'museums & galleries2. Bogota, Colombia1. palcio das artes (The fine Arts Palace) is a cultural complex promoting art, dance, theatre, and culture in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil.2. Though fernando Boteros paintings can be found all over the world, the botero Museum in Bogota has a vast collection. A family, an oil on canvas painting, is in the museums collection.1. Belo Horizonte, Brazil 3. the Museum of contemporary art australia in Sydney is dedicated to exhibiting contemporary art. PHoToS: fIdEL fERnAndo on unSPLASH (AuSTRALIA), mATHEuS VIAnA/PExELS (BRAZIL),ELIAS RoVIELo/unA fAmILIA BY fERnAndo BoTERo/muSEo BoTERo/fLICkR (CoLomBIA)3. Sydney, AustraliaCape WineladsTRuE VoYAGES\x1a 15'