b'Art & TraveltHe iMperialnew delhi, indiaEvery public space of the grandiose Imperial in bustling Janpath, new delhi is studded withtHe Henry Jones art Hoteloriginal artworks from the British colonial era.Hobart, australiaStaying at this hotel is like residing in a museumThe Henry Jones Art Hotel is housed in Hobarts with a massive collection of paintings, etchings,oldest waterfront warehouses and former wood engravings, lithographs, aquatints, andjam factory. Australias first art hotel blends mezzotints. The hotel takes great pride in the19th-century colonial architecture with modern well-preserved and restored 17th to 19th- elements. This designer hotel has over 500 PHoToS: THE ImPERIAL, THE HEnRY JonES ART HoTELcentury art displayed in three main art galleries.contemporary artworks by emerging and It also has a collection of life-sized oil paintingsestablished Tasmanian artists displayed in of the erstwhile princely rulers of India outsidepublic areas, rooms, and suites. most of the the Royal Ballroom. when you stay at thisever-changing art collection is for sale and historic hotel, make time for their speciallyincludes original paintings, prints, photos, and curated one-hour art tour accompanied bysculptures. Guests are invited to experience the high tea. Also not to be missed is 1911, thehotels rich artistic heritage on an art curator-all-day restaurant named after the year kingled tour conducted daily. Each guest room is George V declared delhi Indias capital. Expectdifferent, but they all meld industrial chic with art deco interiors, fabulous world cuisine, andbright modern colours and styles. At dinnertime, an outstanding collection of antiques andhead to the Landscape Restaurant and Grill, photographs from the delhi durbar of the 1900s. where youll find original works by 19th-century HIGHLIGHT: Three art galleries and a hugelandscape artist John Glover. 3.3x6.7-m oil painting entitled The durbar of theHIGHLIGHT: over 500 pieces of contemporary nawab of malerkotla, by Bourne and Shepard artwork by Tasmanian artistshayesandjarvis.co.uk/india hayesandjarvis.co.uk/australia22 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'