b'Sango Safari CampSustainable stays our expertFlorian kellerChief Sustainability Officerflorian@hayesandjarvis.co.uksango saFari caMp Finca Rosa Blanca Hotelkhwai, botswanaThis eco-friendly camp, bordering moremi Game Reserve, overlooks the khwai River.The best travel firm by far. Sustainability is a primary focus here. woodThe service and supportFinca rosa blanca Hotelfrom renewable commercial timber plantationsgiven by H&J has beencosta ricaand canvas were used to build the rooms andamazing. I would highlyThis inn and organic coffee farm is on 30 dining area. The furniture is handmade andrecommend them. Not onlyacres of reforested land. Here, comfortable crafted in camp by local artisans, which helpsdo they make sure they sellaccommodation is combined with sustainable reduce the propertys carbon footprint. Theyou a holiday to suit you, butpractices. The hotel is solar-powered, and entire camp is solar powered, and an above- they see your trip through tothe ionised swimming pool is chemical-free. ground sewage treatment plant ensuresthe end. They make sure allA strong focus on reforestation and organic no pollutants enter the river or water table.the little details are coveredagriculture is seen in its coffee farms, where Recycling and segregation of garbage isand there is nothing tono agrochemicals, pesticides, herbicides, or enforced and even the detergents used herefungicides are used. moreover, over 5,000 PHoToS: kHEm VILLAS, SoL Y LunA, SAnGo SAfARI CAmP, fInCA RoSA BLAnCA HoTEL,oRIGInAL mAASAI LodGEare biodegradable. The six en suite tents formworry about. Youre free to the perfect base from which to explore thisenjoy your trip of a lifetime. native trees have been planted, making the spectacular wilderness area. Jane Dootson, UK property one of the first carbon-neutral hotels in Costa Rica. The hotel trains its employees and educates guests and the local community about how they can contribute to protecting the environment.original Maasai lodgearusha, tanzania with a focus on meaningful and mindful travel, Africa Amini Life offers guests the original maasai Lodge, with 16 solar-powered earth houses run by the maasai in a replicated village. Located between mt. kilimanjaro and mt. meru, the property overlooks scenic vistas and provides insights into local culture andtraditions. All accommodation, activities, and excursion bookings directly benefit Africa Amini Alamas social, medical, and educational projects. The income generated is invested in the orphanage, schools, and hospital the foundation supports, thereby giving back to the Original Maasai Lodgelocal community. hayesandjarvis.co.uk/eco-hotelsTRuE VoYAGES\x1a 53'