b'New Zealandaustralia & neW ZealandAustralia and New Zealand are as famous for stunning landscapes as they are for fine wines, thanksbest For:to the perfect terrain and weather conditions. Hunter valley in new South wales, framed by theChardonnay, Cabernet towering Brokenback mountain Range, is among Australias oldest wine-producing regions, withSauvignon, Shirazits stellar restaurants and state-of-the-art wineries. In South Australias barossa valley, kangaroos frolic in the vineyards against a fiery sunset as you sit back with a glass of Shiraz. Some of theALSo TRYcountrys finest wines, though, come from Margaret river in western Australia. Surrounded by Soar over Barossa Valley in a 60-metre-tall karri trees, lush rainforests and pristine beaches, this region is perfect for all-roundhot air balloon relaxation. new Zealand, next door, has its fair share of striking wine regions, from Hawkes bay on Tour the vineyards of Hunter the north Island (dubbed the Bordeaux of new Zealand) to Marlborough on South Island, known forValley in a horse-drawn its legendary Sauvignon Blanc. carriage. soutH aMericaPHoTo: VInEYARdS mARLBoRouGH/JET PRoduCTIonS nZ (nEw ZEALAnd),fInCA AdALGISA (BoTTLE And food), don dAnGELo wInES (STACkEd BoTTLES)Wine may not be the first thing on your mind when you think of South America, but this continent has expansive vineyards producing some of the worlds best wines. Case in point is Mendoza in western Argentina. Sprawled beneath the mighty Andes, this high-altitude region is synonymous with malbec, and its wine-making history dates back to the 16th century. uco valley, Maipu, and lujan de cuyo aroundbest For:mendoza have world-class wineries and jaw- malbec, Tannat, Cabernet dropping scenery. In neighbouring Chile, theSauvignonMaipo region near Santiago presents endlessALSo TRYvistas of grapevines along Andean slopes. other prominent wine regions in Chile include theGo horseback riding through casablanca valley close to the Pacific Coastthe vineyards of Mendoza and elqui valley on the southern edge of theor cafayate (near Salta) in Atacama desert. for an offbeat experience,Argentina. In Chile, participate head to uruguays vineyards, where Tannat, ain one of many vendiamas robust red grape, is the most prominent variety.(grape harvest festivals montevideo, the capital, is a great base tocomplete with music, dance, explore wineries in the canelones region. or,and rodeos) held between traverse los caminos del vino, a wine trail thatArgentina march and April in casablanca, explores the regions family-owned wineries.colchagua valley etc.TRuE VoYAGES\x1a 43'