b'Art & TravelLOw iMPACTHere are some eco-friendly accommodations to consider on your next trip with usSustainable staysKhem Villassol y lunaurubamba, peruSituated at an altitude of 2,800 metres, Sol y Luna is inspired by the surrounding Sacred Valley. Clay walls, and local stone and brick were used to build the hotel and reduce its carbon footprint. The property plays a leading role in protecting the environment and local avifauna. nearly 4,000 trees, including polylepis, an endangered tree species, are found here. The trees harbour Patagona gigas, the largest hummingbird in the world, and 30 other bird species. The hotel also supports Khem Villas the Sol y Luna foundation, which aids local development and runs an intercultural school for children from neighbouring communities. kHeM villasranthambore, indiaLocated on the edge of Ranthambore nationalSol y LunaPark, this jungle camp shines a spotlight on tiger conservation. over the decades, theyve planted indigenous trees and created waterbodies, encouraging a natural habitat for animals and birds. You will find jackals, jungle cats, hyenas, and crocodiles here. khem Villas supports two non-profits: Tiger Watch offers innovative and practical solutions to tiger conservation, and Prakratik Society which works with it to find solutions to conflicts between humans and animals in Ranthambore. All the food at the camp is vegetarian, made with organic ingredients. Tents, villas, and rooms side credithave furnishings from Anokhia company involved in reviving the tradition of block printing in Rajasthan and generating local employment.52 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'