b'3galinHada BRAZIL Arroz e feijo (rice and beans) may be the Brazilian staple, but in the central and southern half of the country, galinhada is hugely popular as well. Rice and marinated chicken come together in this9Portuguese-influenced dish. Saffron or turmeric gives it a golden-yellow hue,6paella SPAInwhile peas, green peppers, and tomatoesSpains most iconic dish is the one-pot add flavour and texture. Served in manypaella. paella valenciana is the original restaurants, each iteration will have itsdish from the Valencia region thateaten almost every day in many homes own special ingredients and flair.consists of saffron-infused rice cookedaccompanied by a curry and chutneywith tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic 4susHi JAPAnand rabbit meat, duck, or chicken. paella(pol sambol). Sushi making has evolved into an artde marisco is a popular variant made9biryani IndIAform in Japan. Simple in presentation andwith seafood. Paella is served in mostHaving evolved in the kitchens of precise in preparation, sushi containsSpanish restaurants, and you may alsomughal India, the aromatic biryani is PHoToS: HEnRIquE fERERA/fREEPIk (GALInHAdA), PExEL.Com (fRIEd RICE)the freshest ingredients. whether nigiri,find it at local markets. For an immersivetruly fit for royalty. Made with long grain maki, uramaki, chirashi, or inara, it is allexperience, take a paella cooking classbasmati rice and infused with saffron, about achieving a balance of flavours.at a farmhouse or vinery and eat at acardamom, cinnamon, and other spices, it Vinegar-seasoned short-grained rice,community table.is prepared by layering rice with chunks seafood, vegetables, and kelp are arranged together and served with soy7Fried rice ASIAof spicy meat and (sometimes) potatoes, sauce, wasabi, and palate-cleansingEvery country in eastern and Southeastand served with raita, a yoghurt-based pickled ginger.Asia has its own version of fried rice.salad. As one of Indias most popular Indonesias nasi goreng, typically eatendishes it is finds a place in everyday 5pilaF ASIA/EAST AfRICA for breakfast, is dark brown and has ameals and on special occasions. Pilaf is of Persian origin but is now ancaramelised flavour from kecap manis, integral part of middle Eastern, Southa sweet soy sauce. In malaysia, nasi Asian, and East African cuisines. mostlemak rules with its balance of textures. pilafs (also known as pulao, pilau, orIn Thailand, the popular khao pad gets plov) are made from fragrant long-its distinct taste from fish and oyster grain rice and cooked with a medley sauces, while Japans omurice is chicken of spices such as bay leaf, cumin,fried rice wrapped in a thin omelet.8coriander, cinnamon, meats, seafood, or vegetables. Some middle Eastern and8string Hoppers SRI LAnkAIndian versions may have mixed nuts,String Hoppers or idiyappam is a berries, or raisins.common Sri Lankan breakfast staple and can be made with red or white rice flour. The light, lacy noodle-like dish is 7TRuE VoYAGES\x1a 27'