b'S ul foodoArt & Travelof the SoutheastVietnamese food perfectly balances sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and spicy elements. with very little oil and lots of fresh vegetables4and herbs, the cuisine is light and delicious, though its flavours are complex and aromas enticing.322. bnH M 1 Also called the Saigon3. bnH xosandwich, this sub-like sandwich may be famous fromIf savory pancakes set your4. PhLondon to new York, but youlltastebuds tingling, look noPho is the king of noodle soups have to travel to Vietnam to getfurther than bnh xo. Theseand perhaps the most renowned 1. C khO T the most heavenly versions.sizzling Vietnamese pancakesand loved Vietnamese dish C kho t is a rich, salty-sweetBnh m starts with a small,are made of rice flour andworldwide. This signature soup braised fish that is slowlyhot and crisp french baguettecoconut milk and stuffed withperfectly combines flat rice caramelised in a traditionalto which an interestingshrimp, pork, bean sprouts,noodles, warm beef bone broth, Vietnamese clay pot. The dishassortment of fillings areeggs, and loads of greens.sliced beef (sometimes chicken), is a southern specialty madeadded: pat, mayo, roastedBnh xo is served with aand various greens and sauces. with fresh fish from the Mekongpork belly, beef, sausages,dipping sauce (nuoc cham).Available throughout Vietnam, delta. This exciting main isfried egg, poached chicken,Before you dip a piece into thethe tasty and affordable national usually served with rice and apickled vegetables, pork floss,sauce, wrap it in rice paper ordish can be eaten at any time of bowl of canh chua c, an iconicfresh cilantro, chili peppers,lettuce/greens, as the localsday, although it is traditionally sour fish soup also from theand soy sauce. The vegetariando. The best place to sampleconsidered a breakfast food mekong region. version uses tofu pat. this is Ho Chi minh City. in Hanoi.56 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'